Hot Meal: Soup of the day, BBQ Chicken Fillet in a bun served with Oven Roasted Diced Potatoes or Pasta King Pomodoro Sauce served with Pasta & Garlic Bread.
World Down Syndrome Day (Mr Broadway)
To mark awareness of World Down Syndrome Day staff in Supported Learning (and some members of the Senior Management Team) will be wearing odd socks. The purpose of wearing odd socks is to promote the celebration of differences. The 21st March is a day to not only raise awareness of Down Syndrome but to also advocate for the rights, inclusion and well-being of people with Down Syndrome. The 21st is significant because it symbolises the triplication of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome.
U15 Football (Mr Mooney)
There will be a meeting on Tuesday at break in B25. All those selected for the upcoming league games against Levenmouth and Dunfermline need to attend. (Squad is up on the noticeboard outside B25)
S6 Football Game (Mrs Davidson)
On Friday 28 March, there will be a S6 football match at the Astro, 2pm kick off. The tie is between Buzzy Bee FC and Brigatta Consolle FC as they previously played a game at Starks Park last year. There will be entertainment at half time which will allow anyone to win prizes, challenges include: penalty shootout’s or a crossbar challenge etc. We would encourage you to come along and support, hope to see you there. Please have a look at the teams Instagram pages:
Lost Property (Mrs Spence)
We have a huge amount of lost property in the school, both at the main office and in the PE Department. If you wish to claim anything, please do so before the Easter Holidays, as everything will then be given to charity.
S4 Lift Off (Miss Nessel)
Those who have not had 1-2-1 appointments yet will have these on Wednesday 26 March. Times will be shared ASAP. See Miss Nessel to collect a permission slip. Names are attached to blue bulletin email. See Miss Nessel for more information.
Ramadan Lunchroom (Mrs Logue)
For all pupils who are currently fasting for Ramadan, C12 (Mrs Logue’s room) is available during break and lunch times to support you with your fast. Ramadan Mubarak!
Rights of the Fortnight (Rights Respecting Schools Group)
Article 29: Purpose of Education/Developing Talents – Fact In KHS we have a range of extra-curricular groups to help develop people’s skills and talents further including Basketball, Netball, Sports Ambassadors, Mental Health Ambassadors, Subjects Ambassadors and Wellbeing Groups such as Calm Colouring and Yoga.
Article 27: Healthy Food – Free Food (Mrs Young)
Article 3: Best Interests of the Child “In KHS we try to include young people in all major school decisions. You can get involved through forums, focus groups and by joining different groups in the school”.
House Points (Mr Spink)
This weeks total:
Adam Smith – 39
Carlyle – 44
Oswald – 69
Overall total:
Adam Smith – 2623
Carlyle – 2745
Oswald – 2801
School Nurse Drop-in Service (School Nursing Team)
The school nurse drop-in service runs in Meeting Room 1 every Friday at break time. You can see them for all issues health related. No appointment necessary.
Biology Study Support (Miss Irvine)
N5 study support will now be running Friday after school on the run up to exams. Higher study support will also run after school on Fridays.
Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Crispy Dipper Fajita or Italian Chicken Meatballs served with Pasta Spirals.
Rights Respecting Schools Group and Ambassadors (Miss Young)
Can all existing members and anyone keen to join come along to B14 and anyone who expressed interest in being an ambassador. The meeting will be about new projects coming up this year as well as discussing membership, badges and choice of meeting days (feel free to bring lunch).
Calm Colouring Club (Ms Geddes)
If you are looking for a quiet space to enjoy your lunch and do a bit of colouring, then head along to A3 from 1:10pm every Monday lunchtime.
S1-S6 Basketball (Mr Stewart)
Basketball for all year groups on Monday from 3:30-4:30pm.
S1 Football (Mr Geissler)
S1 boys football training afterschool Monday from 3:30-4:15pm. Meet in the PE department.
U15 Boys Football (Mr Mooney)
U15 Football will run on Mondays after school. All welcome.
Fitness Suite Mondays (Mrs Steedman)
Every Monday lunchtime the Fitness Suite will be open to all pupils S1-S6. Grab a quick lunch and come down to use the equipment, you can do whatever workout you like, some cardio or some weights, entirely up to you!
French Study Support (Mrs Morris)
French study support for N4/5 and Higher will take place on a Monday afterschool 3:30-4:30pm in C9.