Kirkcaldy High School

Respect for Self, Others, and Learning

82. Blue Bulletin – Friday 10.01.25


Hot Meal: Soup of the day, BBQ Chicken Fillet in a bun served with Oven Roasted Diced Potatoes or Pasta King Pomodoro Sauce served with Pasta & Garlic Bread.

Study Classes (Mrs Hamilton)
Due to some changes within the English timetable, we are having to reallocate some of the study classes.

Changes to S5/6 Study Classes
Ms Patton’s class will go to Miss Millar in B12
Ms Boyce’s class will go to Ms Whyte in C13
Mrs Campbell’s class will go to Ms Bruce in Library

Changes to S4 Study Classes
Ms Archibald’s class will go to Mrs Harrower in C2
Ms Dickson’s class will go to Mr Robb in A10

I will be looking to reallocate learners into study classes with subject specialists where possible over the next few weeks.

DET Models (Mr Fulton)
All pupils who studied N4/N5 Design & Manufacture, Practical Woodwork or Practical Metalwork last year can now come and collect their models. Please do so by 17.01.25. Any models not claimed by this point will be recycled.

S1 Football (Mr Geissler)
Can all S1 boys interested in playing in next weeks Scottish Plate match v Inverurie meet at break time in the Inclusion Hub (B16/18).

Music Lessons (Mrs Duckett)
All instrumental music lessons begin again this week. Please make sure you attend your lesson promptly and don’t keep your instructor waiting! Timetables are available on Teams and on the Music Dept noticeboards. Any questions, please see Mrs Duckett or Mrs Simpson.

S1-S2 Netball (Miss Johnston)
If any S1 & S2 girls or boys want to play netball in the upcoming match against Glenrothes, please come and see Miss Johnston at break. You don’t need to of attended the training sessions to play in these games.

Japanese Club (Mrs Morris)
As the Japanese Club is growing we need to move it to after school to give us more time to learn and develop our understanding of the language and culture. This will now take place on a Tuesday in C9 from 3:30-4:15 pm. This will start on Tuesday 14 January. New members welcome.

S2 Parents’/Carers’ Evening In School on Wednesday 15 January – PEBS (Mrs Noone)
The parent/carer on-line booking system is open.  Booking system closes at 11:55pm on Monday 13 January 2025.


School Nurse Drop-in Service (School Nursing Team)
The school nurse drop-in service runs in Meeting Room 1 every Friday at break time. You can see them for all issues health related. No appointment necessary


Hot Meal: Soup of the day, Crispy Dipper Fajita or Italian Chicken Meatballs served with Pasta Spirals.

Rights Respecting Schools Group and Ambassadors (Miss Young)
Can all existing members and anyone keen to join come along to B14 and anyone who expressed interest in being an ambassador. The meeting will be about new projects coming up this year as well as discussing membership, badges and choice of meeting days (feel free to bring lunch).

Calm Colouring Club (Ms Geddes)
If you are looking for a quiet space to enjoy your lunch and do a bit of colouring, then head along to A3 from 1:10pm every Monday lunchtime.

S1-S6 Badminton (Mr Harrower)
S1-S6 Badminton in the Games Hall on a Monday from 3:30-4:15pm.

S1-S6 Basketball (Mr Stewart)
Basketball for all year groups on Monday from 3:30-4:30pm.

S1 Football (Mr Geissler)
S1 boys football training afterschool Monday from 3:30-4:15pm. Meet in the PE department.

U15 Boys Football (Mr Mooney)
U15 Football will run on Mondays after school. All welcome.

Fitness Suite Mondays (Mrs Steedman)
Every Monday lunchtime the Fitness Suite will be open to all pupils S1-S6. Grab a quick lunch and come down to use the equipment, you can do whatever workout you like, some cardio or some weights, entirely up to you!

French Study Support (Mrs Morris)
French study support for N4/5 and Higher will take place on a Monday afterschool 3:30-4:30pm in C9.

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