Our Nursery

Welcome to King’s Road Nursery

King’s Road Nursery is a large department within our school. Our Primary School houses 19 classrooms, a 70 place nursery,  under 3 provision, 3 GP rooms, assembly/dining hall, gymnasium and office accommodation. The building is single storey and features a large, enclosed courtyard called the quad.

We provide pre-school education for children aged 2, 3 & 4 years within our nursery and education for our Primary 1 to Primary 7 children within our mainstream setting.

Our nursery aims to:

  • provide a safe and stimulating environment in which children can feel happy and secure;
  • encourage the emotional, social, physical, creative and intellectual development of children;
  • promote the welfare of children;
  • foster good relationships with children and their families;
  • encourage positive attitudes to self and others, and develop confidence and self-esteem;
  • create a variety of opportunities for play;
  • encourage children to explore, appreciate and respect their environment;
  • provide opportunities to stimulate interest, creativity, curiosity and imagination;
  • extend children’s abilities to communicate ideas and feelings in a variety of ways;
  • encourage children to care for and respect the natural local environment;
  • provide a smooth transition in to nursery and also to Primary 1.

Birth to Three Positive Outcomes for Scotland’s Children

We believe that our children are unique individuals and active participants within the world around them showing particular interests, preferences and capabilities in all that they say and do.

 Our children’s views and attitudes are shaped from a very early age and being part of a family and community helps to determine individual values and beliefs. We value, respect and respond to parents’ knowledge of their child and this information is imperative to ensuring effective practice within our centre.

When planning for our children’s learning we focus on each individual child while using the ‘Pre-Birth to Three’ document as a valuable tool to support the ‘Rights of the Child’, ‘Relationships’, ‘Responsive Care’ and ‘Respect’ which in turn supports the celebration of the skills and achievements of all our children.

Pre-Birth to 3


Realising the Ambition: Being Me builds upon the original principles and philosophy of Pre-Birth to 3 and Building the Ambition. The new guidance retains the relevant content from the previous guidance which it replaces, extending and strengthening it in line with current research and evidence about how children develop and learn.

This refreshed early years national practice guidance for Scotland presents key information about the characteristics of child development based on research and evidence.

It explores the range of interactionsexperiences and spaces we need to provide for babies and young children to help them learn and grow best from their earliest days through to being a young child in early primary school.

In essence, ‘Realising the Ambition: Being Me’ increases expectations of high quality but still provides the necessary support for all who work in the early years sector and beyond.

Realising The Ambition

Welcome to our school and nursery site. Please use the contact section to get in touch where we will be happy to answer to respond to any queries.

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