Kettle Primary School

Believe to Achieve. Caring, Respect, Responsibility & Teamwork


On behalf of all the children, staff and Parent Council, I’d like to warmly welcome you to the Kettle Primary and Nursery School website

We are a school that likes to celebrate success at every level. The life of the school is driven by pupil voice and participation.  We promote learning that is active and creative and encourage children to embrace challenge and celebrate their achievements.  Our curriculum fully endorses “A Curriculum For Excellence” and children have opportunities to participate in a wide range of cross-curricular activities as well as in music, performance and sport.

As a small village school, we place a huge importance on the development of each unique child.

An essential ingredient for this to happen is teamwork. We view education as a joint venture, involving everyone – children, parents, staff, parent council and the wider community. Through these partnerships we aim to provide the best possible educational experience for each child and their family.

Welcome to Kettle Primary and Nursery School – a place where we can all “Believe to achieve”.

Kettle Primary School and Nursery are situated in the village of Kingskettle, near Cupar in Fife.  Kingskettle is a rural community with a mixed catchment.  The school is Victorian and takes children from the village and surrounding hamlets.

The school has a maximum capacity of 83, arranged in 4 composite classes, situated around a central hall. The nursery is an annex in the playground that can cater for 20 morning and 20 afternoon children.  The nursery is the designated nursery for the Pitlessie catchment area.

The school has an extensive hard-surfaced playground and a large garden.

Our school comprises of 3 composite classes: P1/2/3, P3/4/5, P5/6/7.

We pride ourselves on being an open, friendly, responsive village school where a sense of belonging and a sense of community are fostered and nourished.

We endeavour to ‘know’ our pupils and to foster an ethos where parents and staff work together and communicate openly.

Please pick up the telephone and ask to speak to me directly if you wish further information.


Mrs Liz Wilson
Acting Headteacher

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