Kennoway Primary and Community School is a coeducational, non-denominational school and is the only primary school in the village of Kennoway.
The school building has 16 classrooms, a library, an ICT suite (computer suite), a Music/Drama room and two Learning Lounges.
At present, the classes are as follows:
P1 | 2 classes |
P1/2 | 1 class |
P2 | 1 class |
P2/3 | 1 class |
P3 | 1 class |
P4 | 2 classes |
P5 | 2 classes |
P7 |
2 classes
3 classes |
There are also a number of tutorial rooms for small groups of pupils, or staff, to work in a quiet environment. There is a main assembly hall which doubles as a dinner hall and a separate, well equipped gym. We also have a sensory room, providing a calming, but stimulating, multi-sensory experience for those pupils who might benefit from this environment.
Good office accommodation is situated just inside the main school entrance.
The school also has a large well-equipped Nursery.
Levenmouth Pupil Support Centre supporting children and schools in the East of Fife is also located within the school.
A sophisticated controlled entry system operates throughout the school maintaining very high standards of security, throughout the day, for pupils and staff.
Outdoors we have spacious play areas, an all-weather pitch and a grass football pitch, sports area and a Trim Trail.