Pupil Council
We have a Pupil Council Team with one child from each class as a member. They are supported through a total communication approach in order to make meaningful choices affecting school life.
Eco Schools
Our school is also involved with the Eco School programme and are very proud of having had our Eco Flag for a number of years. Our Eco-Committee includes a class rep and occasional members from our neighbours, Warout Primary School.
More information is to be found on the website https://www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/education-and-learning/eco-schools/
Here is the current JFS Eco-Plan
The John Fergus Merit Award Scheme
This ensures that all our pupils are recognised for their achievement in school, as well as at home and in the wider community. Pupils can be awarded a Class Star of the Week Award or Headteacher Award under Curriculum for Excellence 4 Capacities:
- successful learners
- confident individuals
- effective contributors
- responsible citizens
These can be awarded for something which is target specific or perhaps for taking part in a concert, reading a book, or doing well during gym. Merits can be awarded for anything that they do of significance out with the school, this could be at another school, a youth group or respite.
Global Partnership and Citizenship
Global School Partnerships promote partnerships between schools in the United Kingdom and schools in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. We are included in aspects of this through Glenrothes High School. We strive to be good global citizens by looking after our environment and caring for others across the world. We are involved annually with the Rotary Club shoebox programme.