Fife Education and Children’s Service’s Equalities and Diversity Guidance
This website provides a single gathering space for all of Fife E&CS’s guidance and links to further materials on the subject of Equality and Diversity.
The website is divided into five sections. Practitioners are encouraged to briefly familiarise themselves with the key messages in each section but it is anticipated that each individual’s role and purpose for visiting the site will determine the areas which capture most of their attention.
Click each section for more information.
Legislation and Policy
The Legislative and National Policy background which makes action on Equalities and Diversity a requirement for all.
Data Informed Reflections
Exploring your context through gathering relevant data and seeking the voice of all members of your community, ensures your work is appropriate, addresses any issues, and is having the desired impact.
Taking Positive Action
Outlines the steps that can be taken to ensure inclusion for all.
Curriculum & Classroom Climate
Supports all practitioners to ensure that their school, their classroom, and the curriculum within it is inclusive of all.
Professional Learning
Detailed guidance, support and sources of further information, such as national networks, organised by the protected characteristics.
Each page contains key messages followed by a drop down menu like the one below. Click on each title to see what it contains.