Our improvement journey

Our detailed report can be read here: SQR and IP DPS Aug 24 Final SQR and IP DPS Aug 24 Final

Our priorities are:

ELC Priority:

Securing children’s progress
Our team will focus on robust planning, development of the curriculum and inclusion so that all our children make good progress

School Priority 1:

Ensuring wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion
Our team will improve approaches to equality and diversity, including our use of strategies and quality assurance approaches, so
that all our children feel included, safe and included in school life.

Update: our representative  pupils and now parents have met to begin creating an anti-bullying guide for Denbeath Primary School.

You can learn more about anti-bullying at the newly refreshed website Respect Me: respectme | Scotland’s anti-bullying service

School Priority 2:

Raising Attainment and Achievement
Our teachers will plan for a progressive curriculum across all subject areas ensuring that all children receive their entitlement to a
broad and general education. By using benchmarks and Fife guidance we will measure children’s progress and achievement of a
level across the broad and general education using a range of assessment evidence


PEF Overview:

We have a significant group of pupils with a history of very low attendance for a variety of reasons, including physical and mental health, family issues, learning difficulties
and relationship issues. Our current attendance is not quite meeting our stretch target and we want all our children to strive for 100%. This need addressed at individual,
group and school level.

While, for the most part, our attainment for P1,4, & 7 met our stretch target in 2024 we know that children in other stages are expected to be lower across in 2025 .
Attainment projections for P3, P4, P6 and P7 are low compared to comparative school and our stretch targets. This is across literacy and numeracy. While at class the
previous professional learning in WfL and CUIN will have a positive impact generally. Targeted interventions are required for those off track. Of those who responded to
parental survey selected the following as a priority: 48% Numeracy, 19% Listening and Talking, 15% Writing and 13% Reading

Participation, Engagement and Inclusion
We have a few children who present with dysregulated behaviours with un/diagnosed ASN. This affects their ability to engage well and the learning environment. We have
others who are affected by anxiety, trauma and other adverse childhood experiences. This impacts on their ability to learn and mindset. We have a good level of universal
nurture across the school, however, there are children who require enhanced nurture through a range of approaches dependent on need. 31% of parental responses to
PEF survey felt that wellbeing was a priority

Learning together for a positive future

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