Our pupils take a pride in wearing our school colours – bright and bold.

Pupils in all Fife Schools have a dress code. The advantages of this are:
improved security and reduction in peer pressure
development of a sense of pride
a positive image in the community and encourage a purposeful attitude
promotion of positive school ethos and sense of belonging
raise young people’s awareness of the requirement to dress appropriately for the
circumstances and assists parents in terms of economical and practical issues.

Commercial clerical staff keep a stock of uniform in school so you can buy direct from the Commercial School office, but we are also happy for you to buy from the great selection of school wear in supermarkets/department stores/online.

Commercial colours are red and black.

Uniform is white shirt and tie/polo shirt, black/grey trousers/skirt/pinafore, red/black cardigan/sweatshirt/jumper, red gingham summer dress. No hoodies or jeans please.

Waterproof fleeces, ties and badges (for blazers), are available at the office, as well as sweatshirts and polo shirts with the school badge.  In accordance with safety regulations PE kit must be worn for gym lessons ie, t-shirt or polo shirt, gym shorts/jogging bottoms and gym shoes.  For Outdoor PE, pupils may wear sweatshirts, joggers/leggings, fleeces and trainers.