Welcome to Ceres Primary School and Nursery
We hope that you will find useful information about our school by browsing through our website.
We have 5 classes and a nursery and are located in the village of Ceres. Our catchment includes the communities of Ceres, Kemback, Pitscottie and surrounding area. The Nursery class also takes in children from Craigrothie.
We are lucky to belong to a community full of rich resources and supportive people. We have strong partnerships with parents and carers, community businesses and services, and wider engagement with the towns of Cupar and St. Andrews.
Our values of kindness, courage, respect and responsibility underpin relationships, learning and school life.
Please contact us if you would like to know more about the school and community or if you would like to arrange a visit.
A warm welcome awaits you.
Sarah Cloy, Headteacher.