Primary 4 have settled in well to the new term and are excited to learn lots of new skills. So far this term, we have learnt how to log on to the chrome books and are beginning to access Glow independently.
Our topic this term is Fairytales and we have read Jack and the Beanstalk, Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, The Shoemaker and the Elves and The 3 Little Pigs. As a class, we looked at alternative versions of the Fairytales and linked the characters feelings to Emotion Works and developed our literacy skills through writing and discussion work. We have had great fun participating in STEAM activities each week creating a chair, house, shoe and beanstalk! In maths, we are working on tally charts and graphs and in numeracy we are consolidating our knowledge of place value and addition.

Important Days:
Tuesday is our PE day
Thursday is our Outdoor learning day