In Primary 2 this term we are learning all about dinosaurs, we will be developing our sorting and classifying skills and exploring fossils and how we know about the past. We will be learning new vocabulary; herbivores, carnivores and omnivores and begin to explore food chains.

In art we are discovering the work of real artists and exploring colour by mixing primary colours to make new colours. We can talk about how the artist’s work makes us feel.

In numeracy we are developing our understanding of how we can represent numbers in different ways and place value to 100. We will also be learning about different ways of collecting and displaying information.
In literacy this term we are learning about fact and opinion and how to use books to find information. We are also developing our talking and listening skills working in partners to answer questions about something we have listened to.
Key class information:
Our P.E. Day is Wednesday
Outdoor learning is Friday