Tag Archives: storyboarding

Gothic Homework: Storyboard

One of the options you have for your homework is to create a film storyboard of either The Raven, or of a Gothic short that you make up. It must be detailed and contain not only drawings of each shot, but also descriptions of what is happening in each shot. Please only attempt this if you are artistic – no stick men!

If you are struggling to know how to approach a storyboard, or how to set it out, the document below will help you. I would absolutely recommend that you read this before beginning on the task. It will help you produce something of quality that will help you show your understanding of the Gothic genre.

Storyboarding – Fridge Monsters

If you are looking for a storyboard template, then simply type that into Google and print off the one that takes your fancy. There are a number available. They generally require you to draw a picture of the shot, to describe the shot and then to describe the other media (music/sound/captions) that would be included in the shot.

Here are a couple of other good places to go for more info/background on storyboarding:

http://maclab.edisonchargers.com/_bolt/cinematography/storyboard_example.pdf – This one has an excellent Do’s and Don’t section towards the end.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qevacrF0eJE – A decent YouTube video with some interesting storyboard examples.

http://www.thestoryboardartist.com/Site/Home.html – Some more nice examples that maybe could inspire you.

Good luck!