Is Wall-e Pixar’s Greatest Achievement?

This charming movie is by far one of my favourite Pixar films ever. In quick summary Wall-e follows the story of a waste disposal robot and Eve, an earth searching robot, who meet on planet earth. The film follows Wall-e and Eve’s adventures on board the Axiam ship and also humanity as it begins to realise just how much of a lie they are living. There are many aspects of this film I love from the audio mixing, the colour scheme and beautifully crafted character development. So here are some of my favourite parts of the film starting with the amazing way the robot characters convey emotions.

Unlike the majority of other films the two main characters cannot convey emotions through body language or dialog. Instead they are limited to eye movement and shape and how they produce robotic sound. Pixar do an amazing job at this and manage to make it clear to everyone the range of emotions Eve and Wall-e are feeling whether that is fear, love or happiness.

Many films have good soundtracks but because of the lack of dialog in this film the soundtrack has a lot to make up for and we as the viewer are not disappointed at all. The contrast between songs from the happy cheery noises of earth to the bouncy techno ones of the spaceship is stunning and really well thought out by composer Thomas Newman.

All films have some sort of character development but this film really takes it to the next level. All of the humans change from lifeless beings to happy cheery and alive humans who band together as a group. Wall-e goes from a cheery loving robot with not a care in the world to a deep, emotional being who is still optimistic and loving but also has gained a beautiful selfless side of him too. Eve on the other hand has gone from a lifeless bot with no emotions to a caring being who wants to save everyone and doesn’t care about her directive if it will harm others. These changes really help to make the movie stand out from others.

The colour schemes are amazing especially within the first and last few scenes. As the film starts the audience are shown some colourful planets and galaxies. We then zoom into a brown, murky planet which we soon learn is Earth. This simple use of colours shows the viewer how different earth is and how much more misery is present on earth in comparison to other planets. Another use of colour schemes I love is that all of earth is just full of browns, oranges and greys and the when Eve comes down to earth her contrast to the scenery around her is stunning and makes the scenes with her in them beautiful. One final use of colour schemes I love in this is that in the end scenes when the humans are all together they are all wearing red. This shows the connection between us all and how we are all different and yet we are all share one common feature – our humanity.

All films should have a good ending and this one does not disappoint at all. The characters band together in such a beautiful way and it really just does have that classic Pixar happy ending we all love. This movie is really is one of the best Pixar offerings of all time and I really recommend watching it if you love a great soppy animation.




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