All posts by Mrs Black


As a class, we have been exploring the theme of Bullying. We identified Bullying as a main theme/idea of Chapter 9 of our class novel, ‘Why the Whales Came’ and began to explore this theme in a variety of different ways. We created Mind Maps of the bullying events in our novel and we looked at different kinds of bullying in society today. We enjoyed watch a CBBC drama were famous people highlighting the importance of dealing with bullying. Pupils then asked if they could create their own dramas about bullying which we really enjoyed making! We also planned and produced an information leaflet all about bullying.

Blogging Bootcamp Photography Challange

P7 enthusiastically took part in a Blogging Bootcamp Photograpgy Challange. We were given a list of interesting photo challenges and we had to work as a group to plan, take and upload our pictures. It certainly was a challage! We were very impressed at the imagination of our class mates and our photography skills were not to bad at all. Take a look at our list of interesting photos and see if you can match the titles to each picture.

Carnation Craziness

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Today Mrs Black explained the parts of a flower for us, then she put us to the test by handing each of us a flower and asked us to dissect and investigate into finding every single thing she had explained. Eventually we found:

the stigma


the style

the ovary

the anther

and the filament.

We had lots of fun!

Learning the 7 Life Processes

Primary 7B took learning outside on a hot on sunny afternoon. We were given the group challenge of ensuring all our group members learned the 7 Life Processes. We could choose our preferred learning style and we were very creative indeed! Check out our YouTube video to see if you think we have been successful learners!