There’s a Kelpie in the Loch! By Oliver

There’s a Kelpie in the Loch! By Oliver

The water was a dark blue colour that shined off the sun, the highland hills were covered in soft grass and the hills stood tall as if it was guarding something behind it. There is a small wee town just west of the loch. The civilians thought it was an amazing fishing spot, but it was a lot more than just a fishing spot…they just didn’t know it yet. The town was filled with fisherman, little boats, cafés and it was always so cold. The town was very lively and everyone knew everyone else, so anyone could go to anyone if they were in trouble and believe me they will get in trouble.

“Good night mum,” Mac whispered

“Good night darling,” Miss Green groaned out breathlessly.

Then they both drifted off to a dream in their little wooden shack. Mac was walking through the dark forest with limited light shining through the trees, he realised he was walking to the darkness in front of him but the darkness disappeared and Mac focused his eyes on the deep loch ahead of him. Mac heard something, something in the distance. He got closer to hear what this strange noise was.“HELP! HELP!,” someone screamed in fear. Mac dashed to the loch and saw a child on this horse like creature, it’s eyes was filled with hatred. It’s long brown, damp mane was tangled in the child’s hands. It’s black fur was as nice as a new carpet. Mac could see the fear in the child’s eyes, the child was fighting for they’re life. Out of fear Mac sprinted back down the forest, his body was filled with adrenaline. Mac tripped on a stick and tried to get up but he couldn’t. His body felt heavy like 50 pound weights. The highland grass felt soft. Mac closed his eyes wishing he was home in his bed. Suddenly the horse like creature slowly walked up to Mac, staring it his eyes. Mac had butterfly’s in his stomach, the hair on the back of his neck stood up, he was unable to speak. The horse lowered its head to Mac and sniffed his hair. Mac stayed perfectly still. Then the horses stopped sniffing his hair and walked away. Then Mac woke up.

At 9:00 am Mac was fishing at the beautiful loch he had his very disturbing nightmare at, suddenly the line on his fishing rod tugged. He had caught something! Mac pulled back and reeled the fish in but this one was strong. So strong that the fishing rod slipped out of Mac’s hands and plunged down to the bitter of the loch. Mac groaned, he was really frustrated. Then the fishing rod dashed back up but it wasn’t by its self.

This creature emerged from the deep loch and stared at Mac without blinking. It looked exactly like the horse from his dream. Except it was deformed it looked like a fish crossed with a horse. A kelpie. Mac thought. The braw day turned dark and dreich rain poured from the sky. Mac gazed at the creature until it wasn’t expecting for him to run away. With all Mac’s power he got up and pushed off his right foot and dashed back to the little wooden shack.

“Mac give me a break, you didn’t see a kelpie,” Miss Green said

“No I did!” Mac shouted.

“That is enough young man! Go to your bedroom!”

Mac groaned. He hated going to his bedroom. He felt like a prisoner, his bedroom had dark brown walls and a very dirty bed with a very dirty pillow and duvet, he had a huge window at the side of his bed. You know what I’m going to prove that I saw a kelpie. Mac thought. Mac clambered up to the window and opened it. Mac climbed out the window into the cold highland afternoon. The grass was moist. The birds were singing a beautiful song. Mac tip toed to the dirt pathway that lead to the loch, he followed it and followed it and followed it. Until he got to the loch. Mac looked around the relaxing loch waiting for a kelpie to appear. Come on come on. Mac thought. He looked to the left he looked to the right but there was no sign of a kelpie anywhere. Mac turned around so he was facing the narrow pathway, suddenly he heard hooves tapping on the wet grass. Mac swung around and saw a huge beautiful black horse with a brown mane and tail, except it looked normal. Mac dashed down the narrow pathway and back to the shack. The wee wooden shack has dark brown wood supporting it.

“MUM! MUM! Mac shouted from outside the shack

“Yes?” Miss Green replied.

“COME QUICK I SAW A KELPIE!” Mac screeched

“Mac not this again-“


Mac and his mum dashed back to the loch. But there was no sign of a kelpie.

“Wha-,” Mac said in shock

“Mac lm worried about you,” Miss Green said

“Mum I promise it was right here, please believe me!”

“Come on let’s go,” Miss Green said in disappointment.

Mac lays in bed confused about why the Kelpie wasn’t there. Where could it have gone?  Why wasn’t it there? Does my mum think I’m crazy? Mac thought. The next day Mac was anxiously waiting for it to be nighttime so he could go to the loch and find the Kelpie. His short black hair breezed in the wind. He walked slowly across the grass to the narrow pathway until he got to the loch but there was no sign of a kelpie. Day after day after day Mac travelled to the loch but there was no kelpie. Mac got sick of it, he knew there was a kelpie in that loch. So he went out and protested.

“There’s a kelpie in the loch!” Mac protested

“There’s a kelpie in the loch!”

“MAC WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?” Miss Green shouted, shivering in the cold. Miss Green grabbed Mac’s arm and yanked him away, Mac tried to resist but Miss Green tightened her grip. Mac lays in bed with a frown on his face. Suddenly the door burst open and Miss Green stepped inside and slammed the door shut.

“WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF!?” Miss Green screamed, Mac struggled to get the words out of his mouth.

“I don’t know,” Mac said quietly looking down at the floor.

“Exactly!” Miss Green screeched. Then she stamped her way out of Mac’s bedroom. Mac was lying in bed with tears in his eyes but the row his mum gave him was the least of his concerns. He was listening closely to the sounds of the kelpie in the loch. All of a sudden the sounds stopped and a big thump interrupted. Then the sounds of the kelpie started again but the kelpie sounded in pain. Mac realised this and opened his window and climbed out. He was walking to the loch without making a sound. He could see his breathe in the air. When he got to the loch he saw a huge rock resting on the ground. Is that a kelpie? Mac thought. He dashed over to the rock but it wasn’t a rock it was a kelpie moaning in pain. Mac kneeled down and put his hand on the kelpies neck. Mac had no fear because he knew the kelpie wasn’t a monsters but a beautiful creature. Mac was almost drifted to tears but was interrupted by a mysterious person behind him.

“I had to,” the person said, they sounded female. Mac wiped his tears away and his vision focused on the woman in front of him. His vision cleared and his mum was standing right in front of him.

The Selkie by Mary Jane

One beautiful, misty day on Orkney I made my way to the beach. On the far side of the island through the mist stood a lighthouse. The skerries were slippy and made a slushing sound as I carefully took big steps across them. The sea was as dark as night over by the lighthouse but there was satisfaction in my eyes as I looked into the water and the reflection stared back at me. The water was waving lightly. As I walk across the skerries (slush slush slush)and walked back to the entire and went home what a beautiful day wait suddenly in a far distance I see someone walking weirdly. I said hi and no respond I said hi again and a respond came, “hi”quietly I said hi back you ok and it ran away I said ok and just thought I’d stay a bit longer. So she stopped and said

 “Sorry I ran away from you so we’re do you live?”

 I said  in my head, “em I stay…”

I thought to myself, I will give it a random address. “I live in Grangemouth when I didn’t I live in Glasgow and she said

Ok I live In the wat…I meen em Green banana land I said ok and went home what a weird day.

The Stoor Worm by Ewan

The Stoor Worm

The Old Man of Hoy is a beautiful place with a lovely mountain, beach ,and a  stack that looks like an old man.The water is as blue as a blueberry. It is freezing so cold if you didn’t have a jacket you would feel like an ice cream. It has nice rocky mountains, grassy plains, and a lovely beach. This is a wonderful place to go visit or even maybe go camping.

Then as fast as the speed of light a sound Is heard. A sound that could wake up anyone even with Its breath It looked bigger than the moon. It Was The Stoor Worm! A creature that looked like It was from a scary book. Minutes before the ocean started to sink, the water exploded like a volcano then came The Stoor Worm.

 So now with people stuck In the ocean they have to somehow go faster than the wind. Then It went back down but when It went down It caused a giant splash that is now causing a tsunami that Is flying towards them like super man (“I knew fishing here wasn’t a good Idea! Said a fisherman Slowly It starts creeping towards them. A nice day turns Into a dreich day.

The wave was broken as The Stoor Worm crashed Into It. Yes that’s correct! Its so giant, It can stop a wave. The Stoor Worm’s mouth opens wide and spears towards them with Its devilish eyes [“I dinnae Ken what’s going on, I just woke up,”said another fisherman.] It crashes Into the Old Man Of Hoy but It starts glowing purple and then… It blows up! The Stoor Worm goes back but with Its massive body size It didn’t get pushed over. Inside of the old man of hoy was a silver sword that looked like It was made of clouds. The fishermen knew what they had to do. Stab It!

A fisherman picked up the sword and was ready to end The Stoor Worm. They jammed 2 boats together and waited for The Stoor Worm. Then it was the crashing sound again. It was back!. They launch the fisherman with the sword then BOOM! A giant explosion was made it looked bigger than the sun.The fisherman survived and fell into the deep blue water unlike The Stoor Worm that started to glow purple. It lets out the most frightening scream. Then it dissolved into dust.Then 2 months later they go back out to sea to  get more fish for the winter but then the ocean started to rumble…

The Midnight Forest by Mollie

The Midnight Forest

It was a dark spooky night at the Midnight forest. The forest was dark gloomy stormy and dull. This forest usually had bright sunny skies full of  birds making chirping noises and sounded as if they were having a fun time. This was very weird there was no bright sunny skies all the birds where hiding behind the big tall trees and none of the animals were having fun.

Only one little baby bird could be seen pepping out. Suddenly, I heard a noise. It was a blue, fiery creature floating about. It was almost like it was on fire but it was blue. Was it a WILL O THE WISP? Could it be? It’s flames looked like real fire it had a mix of light blue and dark blue. It was so beautiful I always thought I would be scary and look ugly but it was the opposite. It was almost like a pair of beautiful blue eyes.

One stormy night at the great bank in Glasgow, Scotland 3 brothers Bing, Bong and Bop were ROBBING THE BANK!

Bing was the smart one ,  Bong was the dumb one and Bop was the scaredy cat. The three brothers climbed through a vent.

“There it is the vault” said Bing

“Cool” said Bong

“Where is he” said Bing

“ Who” said Bong

“Your Brother DUMMY” said Bing

Suddenly, the police burst in

“Put your hands up” said officer Jones

“Oh no” said both of the brothers

Officer Jones was the best cop in town they had to be really smart about this.

“RAAAAAAAA” said Bing

He ran and  put the code in grabbed the money and jumped out the window.

“Emmmm what” said Bong

Bing grabbed Bong and they both jumped

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh” said Bong

They both landed in a car it was there other brother Bop

“ I have never done this before ahhhh” said Bop

Suddenly, Bop crashed into a tree.

“Come on let’s go into these woods” said Bing

“No it’s too dark and scary” said Bop

“ Put your hands up” said the officers

“ We have no choice come on!” Said Bing

Bing grabbed Bop and Bong and ran as fast as they could.

“ We lost them there the best robbers in town how are we going to catch them” said one officer

“ We will, let’s go into that wood and get them” said officer Jones

Bing, Bong and Bop ran far into the woods.

“ Come on jump in this huge, deep muddy puddle they will never find us” said Bing

 They jumped in the puddle and the police ran past.


“Shhhhhhhhh” said Bing

“Sorry sir” said Bong

They were walking out the forest but suddenly they heard a noise.


“ Don’t be such a baby” said Bing

Suddenly Bing grabbed his ear

“ what is it” said Bong



“ AHHHHH were did. My brothers go” said Bop scared

Bing and Bong had been sucked under the ground

Then a Will o the wisp appeared it was a blue firey creature.

“ Ahh” said Bop

Bop ran out the woods screaming   “Ahhhhhhhhh” Bop ran to his BIG BIG house.

“ MAMMAMAMAMMA” said Bop scared

“ ohh what is it darling have you got the money” said their mum


“ ohhh what nonsense “ said there mum

Suddenly she got pulled in by a rope.

“ ahhhhhhhhhh” said there mum

“ mamma mama come back” said Bop

Then Bop got sucked in by the rope .

And that was the last time anyone heard of them.

Wisp by Abbie


 On a dark night in the woods, I look around. My goal is to find some food for my family. The woods were very scary to my family, luckily, I am brave enough to go. The thing that scares most people is the broken rusty trees. Now you may think these trees aren’t broken? You are wrong. And you’ll soon find out why. The orange dirt path, strange for a place like this… especially the brown planks on the ground. I have an uneasy feeling.

Hours later, I start to sit down by one of the rusty trees. My shoes looked like they had stepped in a swamp. As I look around, I see some blue creature by the tree. It was shining like the stars in the sky. I thought it looked like a blue candle. The creature left me feeling confused and I had the urge to follow it.

At first, I had thought nothing of it. I start to get up to go check it out. For my own safety, I watched it from behind a tree. Now that I think of it, once I saw a girl with a toy that looked like that thing… I heard her say “Look Wisp, there’s lots of cool shops!” I’m starting to think, I should call this thing ‘Wisp’ I am not too sure what this creature is, or if it’s safe or not. It looked like it was waiting for me. It floats by the birch wood tree. No, what am I doing? I should be looking for food. I walk up the path the path and see another one. It looked the exact same. What is happening…  I had whispered. But reminder. This is my past.

I walk up to Wisp. As I got a closer look, I had found out it’s a will- o’- the- wisp. Wisp starts to go somewhere, “Hey…Wisp? Where are you going?” I had asked. I ran to follow Wisp, after some minutes, Wisp had went up a big hill with some strange thing up ahead. I had sighed and taken 3 steps back. I ran up the hill as fast as I could. I was so tired that once I made it up, I had tripped. Ah great… I was covered in mud, but, why should that affect me? Wisp entered some graveyard then stopped. As I entered the graveyard, Wisp suddenly disappears, the exit gets blocked. I start to explore the graveyard. I sit by a grave with lots of flowers around it for awhile. I suddenly see some apples. This was perfect, until I came across a problem…

How do I get out? I pick up the apples and bang loudly, hoping someone will hear me. Hands started coming out of the graves. I started to scream at the top of my lungs.

“WISP!? OR SOMEONE!? PLEASE?” Sadly, no one came, not even Wisp. I quickly find a way to climb up the brick wall. Now that I am up the wall, I sit down, I was breathing so fast that my heart started to beat quickly. I look at the apples and sigh. I guess I am trapped here. I see a cottage in the graveyard, which is random, but anyways. I jumped down and tried to open the cottage. I saw a key on the ground for the cottage. I picked it up and unlocked the door, the cottage looked beautiful… I decided to stay in the cottage for the night. I get comfortable in the bed, and fell asleep.

I suddenly wake up at 4 in the morning, it’s like the bed got comfier. I get out of the bed and open the door slowly. As the sun rose, I grabbed

the key from the door. I walk up to the graveyard doors and pick up the apples. I unlock the door then run as fast as I can out of the woods. Successfully, I make out of the woods. Now after this happened, I never go to the woods. Please… Listen to my message when I say this. Do not go in the woods, or you’ll regret it.

The Kelpie by Logan

There was beautiful night sky and the skerries were as shiny as silver when a man decided to go a walk. While he was walking he saw a beautiful white horse just standing on the path. The man got on the horse to try and tame it.

Suddenly! The beautiful horse transformed into a terrifying fish like horse that had dark black eyes and a fish tail for legs. The fish like horse moves in  the water as if it was a shark looking for a meal.

The man was stuck on the horrifying horse while it started to drown him in the cold water. The man screeched for help but no one could hear his screams.

He tried to escape but failed, with his last Breath he shouted for help but again no one could hear him.

The man woke up in his bed so he just thought it was all a dream but something was off. When the man went outside he saw missing posters in his village so he Asked what happened to a person that lived there. The person said that someone in their village has gone missing last night.

The Stoor Worm by Finlay


It was a braw day at the Old Man of Hoy. The sky was  yellow and blue .It felt like I could touch the sky it was so beautiful. I reached out and touched the fluffy moss. The rocks were so dull. The rocks that made up the Old Man of Hoy were as orange as the sun . The water looks like a dark nicht.

Suddenly, a large spiky monster arose from under the water I was scared of the monster. It was huge , yellow and blue it’s teeth were the size of me it looked very vicious. The spikes on its head taller than me. After it went under the water.

I sat in my boat of the coast of Orkney. Out of nowhere a huge wave the size of a tsunami came out of the water. My boat just managed to keep afloat. Five minutes later sadly the creature ate my boat. I managed to get away from the creature but I had heard rumours of the Stoor Worm and I think that was it. I made my way back to the shore. I just made it. I was swimming so fast I thought that my legs were going to fall off. I was relieved that it didn’t eat me.

After the Stoor Worm ate my boat it went back under the water I saw lots of teeth come out of the water I think the Stoor Worm is dead. my boat came up with it after that I took it back to my workshop and tried to repair the boat.

I have been working at my boat for Five days still no luck with the boat. So I called my friend to see if he could come and help me. After he came he managed to get me the part and I managed to get the boat back to the water. L went out to catch a few fish for my dinner.

The Kelpie By Joseph

                                     The Kelpie

There’s a loch in the coldest country in the world and it was a day like no other there was no storm cloud in sight. Even weirder it’s was so hot that the loch’s water is drying out. There was a smell in the air it smelt like an animal. I can almost see the massive skerries near the shores. I feel weird I need to sit down. Thud!

When I sat up I saw a scaly horse it had mixture of colours green, black, grey and white. I wondered how it got there? It’s hair was as long as a elephants trunk and a tail that looked like the fin of a seal. It’s eyes were as black as the night sky. The mane was so tangled up it looked like my sisters hair when she wakes up. It’s teeth were as sharp as a blade.

I stood up and looked it in the eye. It stared back at me. I tried to touch it but it didn’t let me. I stepped backwards and tripped over a rock. I was terrified I tried to jump on it’s back and I did. It started to go crazy but somehow I didn’t fall off so I tried to calm it down but my hand couldn’t get back off it. I was shouting in horror! I’m   trying as hard as I can but the more I try the more I get stuck and all of a sudden my whole body is stuck to it!

It started running towards the water faster and faster we hit the massive skerries. I scraped my arm off a skerrie it was bleeding like crazy. Then the horse and I went underwater, no one heard my screams. I was going to die but I heard a splash a big one it was another horse was in the water.

The next thing I know I’m on the land with a horse right in my face.

I was so confused It looked like a horse a weird horse there’s been rumours of a horse that lives in the water what was it that they called it. It’s a Kelpie! And there was a whole herd of them! Oh no I’m in trouble. I ran to my house it followed me I tried to feed it and it ate so I took care of them. I went to sleep and the next day it was MISSING!

The Strange Blue Thing by Kirsty

One windy day in the woods of Scotland. It was a strange day. It was dark but light, it was bright but gloomy. The sky was so dark but the sun was still up. The trees were close to dead. The leaves were gone. The trees had lost most of theircolour but it still looks magical even without it . The  grass turned into beautiful moss and there was a path leading to the middle of the majestic forest. you have to be careful that you don’t get lost because  when you get lost you never find your way out.

When I was walking through the woods I didn’t realise there was caution tape, when suddenly a blue bright light shined in my eyes I thought I was crazy… then more appeared. They looked like they were making a path so I followed them. While I was following them I realised they looked like blue fire and they had no eyes but are still  kind of  cute. The blue bright things where silent and they looked like they were from a fairy tale suddenly I realised I did not knowing  where they were taking me. Next minute the blue shiny bright bioluminescent light was taking me right into a ditch! I couldn’t get out. I couldn’t blame them they looked so innocent it was my fault!  When I  looked again they weren’t there.

But this is not the first or the last time they have been seen…

One windy day on the hills of Scotland there was a wee girl called Coco, her wee brother Charlie and her mum Tilly. They had just finished dinner and Coco’s  mum asked her to politely clean the dishes. Coco rudely said no and stormed up to her room.

“Coco come down here now!” she shouted angrily.

 “Nooo ”she shouted back.

One hour later,

her mum shouted come clean them now please Coco

 she did not want to clean them. It slowly got darker as she thought of a plan then after a while she gave up. Coco went to bed.

She heard a whisper from her window, she looked out it she saw a light. Without thinking she opened the window and

shouted hello!

 She was bored so she went down the stairs and looked in the living room, her mum and her wee brother were there so she opened the front door and walked out. After walking for a few minutes she saw  tape it was bright yellow and said cation She didn’t know what that meant, then she heard it again come fallow us we will help you the voice said so she followed it.

“Come come, come with us” the voice muttered.

 After following them for a while she saw a ditch but she thought they were going to go past it. The next second she realised they had taken her into the ditch

She started to cry the blue things she realised they looked like the things from the bed time story her mum read her. The Will o the Wisps looked like they popped into thin air as she cried her dog showed up and grabbed a rope and flung it down. It was so close to hitting her but it didn’t. The Will o the Wisps tried to get Bonnie in the ditch too but she was a smart dog!. As Coco was climbing the rope they came closer and whispered

no go back in your not allowed out.

 She cried while she was running home with bonnie they got home and she went and did the dishes.

A Walk in the Forest Gone Wrong By Martha

A  Walk in the Forest Gone Wrong.

One night, I was walking through the woods, not a sound I could hear, following the path, with trees on one side and a flowing stream on the other. As the sound of the rushing water filled my ears, I felt at ease, it was all so peaceful. I could count at least 3 dozen trees whilst following the path. I could see some constellations peeking through the gaps in the trees. Through some gaps, the moonlight would shine down on me as if I was in the spotlight of a play. I would stop walking for a second, and bend over to look into the stream. I saw some little fish swimming in and out all of the nooks and crannies in the stream where the moonlight couldn’t reach. I stood back up, and continued on my way.

Whilst walking, I thought I could see some blue light coming from a hole in a tree, same with behind a few other trees and with the stream. I stop walking, and scan my surroundings, the blue light would grow bigger, and brighter, I cover my eyes, due to how bright the light was. Suddenly, a blue little creature which looked like it was made out of fire, with ribbon-like arms, floated out of the stream, staring at me with its little white eyes, which were barely noticeable. A few more appeared behind the trees, the ones inside the trees reaching out, with their ribbon-like claws, emitting that same bioluminescent glow which filled the forest in a few seconds, those same white eyes glaring at me, a chill ran down my spine. The creatures would all stare at me, not saying a word. Those eyes, they give me chills.

I take a step back, but as I turn around, there’s more behind me, with their fire-like, bioluminescent bodies and their ribbon-like claws. All floating either in the air, above the stream, or right in front of me.


The strange lantern-like creatures would turn, and float away, I felt enticed to follow them, so I

did, their same blue glow guiding me as somehow the moonlight had gone. I would continue to follow the beacons of light through the dark woods, completely gone from the path, instead, there was a mossy ground with some patches of mushrooms. After an hour, the creatures had stopped. They would move out the way, and I would step forward, I stare in front of me, and there was just a large body of water to stare at. I didn’t get it, where had they led me to? Why am I here? As I’m lost in thought, I feel a ribbon-like claw push me into the water. As I fall from the cliff, I scream as I impact the water, creating a splash. I sink down into the quiet, serene, peaceful sea. I struggle to keep my eyes open, and as I sunk, I blacked out.

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