Professional Learning is a key element of our Falkirk Learning for Sustainability Framework. We are working with partners, colleagues and schools across Falkirk and beyond to source and schedule professional learning experiences which build our knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching all aspects of Learning for Sustainability. Each training course we offer within our authority will be prefixed in Falkirk CPD Manager with the letters “LfS” to help you find relevant opportunities for you. We work closely with with a range of partners to plan professional learning and share resources. This link will take you to the #Falkirk STEMpire blog where you can find out more about LfS/STEM.

We will highlight opportunities within our regional collaborative, national and international opportunities via the Falkirk Learning for Sustainability Team which any Falkirk Practitioner can join. Please use the comment function below or visit the Team to request a join code. The Calendar of Professional Learning below will be updated throughout 2022/23 with LfS training available via Falkirk CPD Manager.

Ian Menzies, senior development officer for Learning for Sustainability has created this power point presentation (narrated) which is a wonderfully broad overview of Learning for Sustainability and can be used by whole staff groups in education establishments to refresh and review LfS within their curriculum. Ian and colleagues are encouraging practitioners and senior leaders to use the LfS self-evaluation tooklit (click here ) to inform school improvement planning and help with this process.

Calendar of Professional Learning – Learning for Sustainability 2022-2023


15.9.22 LfS 1-2023 – Prepare to face the Dragons – working with Social Enterprise Academy


5.10.22 LIT 2-23 – Curriculum Connections – building literacy skills into STEM & Learning for Sustainability

27.10.22 LfS 2-2023 – Linking up LfS Learning in Primary schools: Social Justice, Equalities Rights, Global Citizenship


10.11.22 LfS 3-2023 – Linking up LfS Learning in Secondary schools: Social Justice, Equalities Rights, Global Citizenship

21.11.22 LfS 4-2023 – Falkirk & Scotdec Celebration Showcase – hear about effective teaching within Learning for Sustainability


8.12.22 LfS 5-2023 – Session 22/23 Learning for Sustainability Network meeting 1(Postponed)

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

April 2023

