Month: March 2016

Water Celebration at Kinneil Primary School

WP_20160316_001[1]On Wednesday 16th March, Primary 4 pupils at Kinneil PS celebrated the value of water. As part of their global storyline learning, they created their own community called Forth Mountain. Each pupil is a character with a job in this new community – Jessica F is a baker and she is 18 years old. Jessica K is the café owner and works as a waitress in the café too! Jessica Kr owns and works in the hairdresser. There are lots of Jessicas in P4 at Kinneil PS!


The characters in Forth Mountain get all of their water from a lovely clear lake further up the mountain and have learned to appreciate having this perfect water supply. All of the characters in the village do jobs which help look after the water, and primary 4 planned how to celebrate their wonderful water supply by holding a water carnival.

WP_20160316_006[1]They made a plan for the Carnival with their teacher Mrs Morrison:

  1. Parade around in a big circle swaying to Shakira music and holding up our water float pictures and slogans
  2. Take turns to mime our water jobs in Little Mountain
  3. Work with our community group to show our still image of the water
  4. Sing our water song – complete with the new verses we’ve made up

Yvonne McBlain joined in with the celebration as a reporter “covering” the event for a television network. She interviewed the community groups, who explained why the water was so important to Forth Mountain people. *  WP_20160316_009[1]

Primary 4 have done lots of learning about water as well as creating their community – one of their most interesting tasks, was to find out just how much water they used everyday in their homes. They were amazed by just how much they and their families use. Below you can see some of their work.











