Tag: young leaders

An opportunity to share your thoughts about climate change

Falkirk Council has a Climate Change team led by an officer called Mari-Claire Morgan. This team includes 5 people who work with all services across the Council to help everyone use energy efficiently. The team help us all study climate change in lots of ways, but this blog post explains how they connect pupils from schools with our local politicians – also known as “elected members”. From August 2022, we want to make sure that more pupils from Falkirk schools can join in with these meetings between the Climate Change team and our politicians. The meetings will be organised so that pupils can share their own climate change projects, plus any worries or questions they have. This is one of the ways in which Falkirk Council and Falkirk Children’s Services want to make sure that the voices and ideas of pupils are listened to and acted upon. The articles of the UNCRC say that all pupils in Falkirk Council area have the right to be heard and to contribute to decisions about their education.

These meetings have a long and fancy name – they are called ” Climate Change All Stakeholder Working Group meetings”. The first two will take place on September 7th and November 11th 2022 between 3-4pm. A member of staff in each school will help pupils to join the Microsoft Teams meeting because it needs to take place outside Glow. Please speak to your form teacher or a member of your school’s senior leadership team if you would like to be one of the pupils who joins these online meetings. We feel it is very important that children and young people in Falkirk have an opportunity to share their thoughts about climate change and hope you think that this new opportunity is valuable.

Youth Club leaders organise a Summer Extravaganza for July 2022

Can you believe it is now June and our summer holidays aren’t very far away?! With that in mind, this message from young Falkirk leaders might be very interesting to you all.




We hope this letter finds you Happy and well.

We are a group of Young leaders, known as the G O F F ‘s (Group Of Falkirks Future), that volunteer at our local Youth Clubs around Falkirk.

This year, we are hosting a Summer Extravaganza at Muiravonside Country Park on the 25th July 2022. It will be a day of fun filled activities and adventure for Primary School aged young people and we were hoping you would be interested in joining us. Maybe you guys have an activity you could host or even if you would just like to come along and join in with our ideas.

We are just at the planning stage yet and so far have arts and crafts, face painting, and many other enjoyable activities planned. We’ll look forward to seeing you then!