Being a Member of our Scottish Youth Parliament – what it means to me by Robbie Burgess MSYP

I have had the opportunity to be the Member of Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP) for Falkirk West since 2017 representing all young people in Falkirk. The Scottish Youth Parliament (SYP) has given me lots of opportunities to improve my confidence and to represent young people. I spoke in the Scottish Parliament about the challenges faced by pupils with additional support needs and some schools are now making sure that they teach lessons in schools about ASN as a result. I’ve been able to represent young people at the Government’s children’s rights review about bullying which young people in Falkirk overwhelmingly told me was their number one issue at school. I also spoke about domestic abuse paid leave which is now being talked about locally and nationally. And also had the chance to represent young people in Falkirk in the House of Commons, and Scotland in the UN Embassy in Geneva.

Young people are making a difference every day from protesting and talking to MSYPs, MSPs, MPs and Councillors about climate change and other issues such as the SQA fiasco that occurred last year and this year. Young people every day are using their voice for change or trying to find ways to make that change and to make a difference.

That is why the Scottish Youth Parliament is so important to young people as that’s where they can make the most change for young people!

In this election in November Falkirk has 14 amazing candidates who I have the opportunity to support and they all have great ideas on how to make Falkirk better for young people here and across Scotland.

It’s important that we make sure that young people here take part in the upcoming elections so they can have their voices heard, and be part of our democracy and make a difference as young people are the future for change so let’s help support them in that.

Robbie Burgess MSYP
Member of Scottish Youth Parliament for Falkirk West Constituency


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