Reading at home
Shared reading is a great way to develop children’s language and communication and to boost their reading skills. The Education Endowment Foundation have 7 top tips to support reading at home. This is also available in the following languages: Bengali, Lithuanian, Polish, Punjabi and Urdu. You can access the translations here.
The Journey: Adventures in Resilience a resource from Education Scotland written for 13-16year olds to be used by practitioners or parents/carers.
Resilience Alphabet (primary) (secondary resource pending)
Risk Assessment and Management
Falkirk Council and Forth Valley child protection policies, procedures & guidelines
The National Risk Framework to Support the Assessment of Children and Young People (Scottish Government, 2012) is a ‘toolkit’ for child protection to support practitioners in identifying and acting on child protection risks in children and young people.
Forth Valley Managing and Preventing Harmful Sexual Behaviour guidelines and resources
Falkirk Council Care and Risk Management (CARM) procedure recognises the link between young people’s offending/risk taking behaviour and unmet need. It applies to young people between 12-18 years within Falkirk Council who present a serious risk of harm to others as a result of sexual and/or violent behaviour.
The Framework for Risk Assessment, Management and Evaluation (FRAME) (2014) is for local authorities and partners working with children and young people who offend (managing high risk and transitions).
Falkirk Council risk assessment pro-formas
Scottish Government (2020). Harmful sexual behaviour by children and young people: Expert Group Report.