Materials and Practice Guides A-Z
This A-Z list are materials and advice on a range of themes. Some of the resources have been developed by the EPS and some are from external websites. Please click on the individual letter at the top of each list to access further information and web links.
It is recommended practice to discuss with a peer or colleague the guidance or strategies published on here to determine which approaches would be most likely to be successful with the child or group of children that you are thinking about.
This A-Z list will be reviewed and added to during each academic year. If you have a recommendation of resources that can be added or find a broken web link please email the team –
Additional Support Needs
Addressing Barriers to Learning (ABLe Dundee EPS)
Assessment of social emotional development
Assessment Arrangements (SQA)
Attention Difficulties
Behaviour and relationships
Care experienced children and young people
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Child Protection
Children’s and Young People’s Voices
Children’s Rights
Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
Critical incidents in school communities
Digital Inclusion & Online Learning
Dyslexia and Dyscalculia
Families – cost of living
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Forth Valley Neurodevelopmental Difficulties (NDD) Assessment Pathway
Forth Valley Practitioner Pages
Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)
Grief & Loss
Growth Mindset
Interpretation and translation support
Learning approaches
Mental Wellbeing and Health
Nurture, Trauma and Adversity
Occupational Therapy Service
Offending behaviour
Online safety
Parenting support
Positive, Sustained Post-School Transitions
Preterm babies
Reading at home
Risk Assessment and Management
Selective Mutism
Sensory barriers to learning
Severe and Complex Learning Needs
Sexualised behaviour – Guidance
Social Skills
Solution Oriented Approaches
Speech and Language Therapy Service
Those affected by war and conflict or seeking refuge
Young Carers