Category Archives: Research

Mrs Ledgerwood visits Primary 7

On Wednesday 14th November, Primary 7 had a visit from Mrs.Ledgerwood, a real evacuee in the 1940’s.  She told us about her life in World War 2 and it was very interesting. I remember her telling us that a bomb did not explode but if it did it would have killed her. We asked her questions about her evacuation family, her feelings, rationing and more. It was interesting to hear a real life story from an evacuee. She had 2 sisters and 3 brothers. The brothers were evacuated together and so were the girls. Her evacuation family were terrible. They were outside the whole day and only came in to get their tea.  One even thought she was telling lies when she was telling the truth.  We enjoyed her visit and found it very enjoyable.

Callendar House Visit

Last week primary 7 went to Callendar house for a World War ll workshop. We got to pretend that we were getting evacuated to the countryside. We got our own identity cards, luggage labels and our own ration book. We got on the train and got taken in by Mrs. Doobuyfull and her husband. They lived on a farm so that they could dig for victory and she wanted us to get up at 6:00am and work on the farm all day. At the end of the night she wanted us to go to bed at 7:00pm. After we pretended to be evacuated we got split up into 2 groups one groups went to see artefacts like the A.R.P. wardens helmet and bomb shells.   We had a great time and enjoyed ourselves!