“Bullying is both behaviour and impact; the impact is on a persons capacity to feel in control of themselves. this is what we term as their sense of ‘agency’. Bullying takes place in the context of relationships; it is behaviour that can make people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out. this behaviour happens face to face and online”
repectme, 2015
We endorse and support “Promoting Positive Relationships in Falkirk’s Educational Establishments”
Restorative Approach To Bullying Behaviour
Whilst many believe that children who display bullying behaviour should be punished, it is widely accepted that this type of response can at times be ineffective, and make the situation worse.
The adoption of restorative approaches is evidenced to be a more effective response than traditional methods. Pupils are given the opportunity to accept responsibility for their actions, recognise the harm done and are supported to find restorative responses to the harm they have caused.
There are times where sanctions are appropriate; exclusion is seen as a last resort and carried out when incidents fall within the legislative criteria.
Falkirk Council has a responsibility to provide an education for all pupils and to challenge and address bullying behaviour. Whilst appropriate action will be taken by the school, it is also important that all parent/carers, work with the school to resolve any issues in the best interests of their child or young person.
If you have any concerns with regards to bullying please contact your child’s teacher to make an appointment to discuss them.