The Educational Psychology Service is a specialist team working for Falkirk Council Children’s Services. Our aim is to provide a high quality psychology service through consultation for the children and families who require this most, using a knowledgeable and supportive, team approach.
We can be involved in supporting children and young people from birth to 25 years old. An Educational Psychologist will work with a child and family if there are concerns about the development, learning or behaviour of the child. The service is also focused on improving outcomes for children through training, development work and general advice

Falkirk Staged Intervention – Stage 1 and 2  

We have added significant materials and advice across our two websites.  

Falkirk Staged Intervention – Stage 3 and 4  

Please arrange with DHS link Educational Psychologist, Jennifer Greenhill, by email or phone. There is also relevant advice for stage 3 and 4 on our websites. Our main number is 01324 506600.  

Cluster and Authority  

We will continue provide training at cluster and authority level, often online. Further details on programmes available from educational psychology will be provided soon.