Checklist Troubleshooting

This section will help with the most common problems and provide some trouble shooting tips that should be followed before contacting your administrator (Secondary) or contacting Connected Falkirk – (Primary). We know it is a cliche but the first step in troubleshooting is always the same – turn your device off and on again.


Technical problems happen from time to time, the most common variety tend to be frozen apps/screen or the buttons or keyboard becoming unresponsive. Luckily, most technical glitches can be fixed in two simple steps.

Complete each of the steps below in order to see if the problem has been resolved. If the step has not resolved your issue, move onto the next one.

⦁ STEP 1 – Is your IOS up to date?

Staff need the most up to date information to be able to work, and your iPad is no different. IOS updates are regularly issued to overcome any technical or compatibility issues with apps and your device, as well as enable new features. It is essential for you to keep your iPad iOS up to date. Your iPad will download this automatically but you need to install when prompted. 

Tap on the settings icon.

Then tap on General and then Software Update

If this highlights an update is available please install.

⦁ STEP 2 – Close all apps

Just like humans, machines can get overloaded if they’re trying to do too many things at once. iPads run apps which often remain open in the background until you close them (which doesn’t happen often). Usually, there is no harm in this but sometimes it creates a bit of frazzle for the device, so regularly clearing your active apps is a good idea.

Double press on the home button (the only round button on the surface of your device). This will provide you with the overview of all your open apps on one screen as pictured below. Swipe up with a single finger on each app to close it.

⦁ Step 3 – Restart iPad

Yes, yes, we know this one is the oldest joke in the book but there is a reason for that. We tend to keep our devices running most of the time, juicing them up with power when they need it but the reality is sometimes your device just needs a wee power nap…

Once all apps are closed, restart your iPad by holding the single power button on the top right (when held vertical) of the device until this screen appears. Then swipe right on the power icon to power off.

After two minutes restart your device by holding the power button on top right of the device until the Apple logo appears on your screen.

⦁ Step 4 – Soft reset iPad

If you have followed Step 1 and Step 2 and the problem isn’t resolved, you will need a ‘soft reset’ on your device. This allows your iPad to reboot itself.

To perform a soft reset you must have your device switched on. Press and hold the power button (top right) and the home button at the same time until the Apple logo appears on the screen. This should happen after a few seconds. Your device will then reboot which may take a few minutes.

⦁ Step 5 – Contact school administrator

Sometimes things are a little more complicated and the Connected Falkirk central team need to do some behind-the-scenes magic on your iPad. If the above steps have not addressed your issue and you require further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact the relevant people.

Secondary Staff
Contact your system administrator who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.

Primary Staff
Contact Connected Falkirk – who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.


Some common issues that suggest a connectivity issue are: being unable to open app/safari; being unable to download app from app portal; or your device not updating IOS. This is usually down to a few quick oversights in the settings that can easily and quickly be checked.

Complete each of the steps in order

⦁ Step 1 – Location Services

Tap on the settings icon.

Select Privacy from the column on the left and ensure that your Location Services are ON.

Because your Connected Falkirk device is managed the location services are required to push updates and app refreshes wherever you are.

⦁ Step 2 – Wifi

Please ensure you are connected to a wifi network if you wish to download apps or run updates, or if you wish to use an app that requires the internet (note that not all apps do and your iPad has many powerful ‘Core’ apps that do not require a connection).

In settings tap on Wi-Fi and connect. Remember you will be on Device Provision at school but you can also connect to home networks to use your iPad elsewhere.

⦁ Step 3 – Contact school administrator

If the above steps do not resolve your issue it’s time to contact someone who can investigate the problem further.

Secondary Staff  
Contact your system administrator who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.

Primary Staff  
Contact Connected Falkirk – who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.


Sometimes apps will become unresponsive. The most common cause of this issue is that there are simply too many apps open at once or that your connection is disrupted. If you find an app is unresponsive follow the steps below to resolve the issue.

⦁ Step 1 – Close the app
Double click on the home button. This will provide you with the overview of all your open apps on one screen as below. Please swipe up with a single finger on the app that is not responding.

⦁ Step 2 – Follow Technical points

⦁ Step 3 – Re-download the app from the app portal

⦁ Step 4 – Contact school administrator
Secondary Staff  
Contact your system administrator who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.

Primary Staff  
Log your request with the Falkirk Council ICT Helpdesk on 01324 501550 who will be able to assist and confirm the stages you have followed.

If you have deleted an app by mistake and you cannot retrieve it from the app portal you should contact school administrator:

Secondary Staff  
Contact your system administrator highlighting your iPad Serial Number (Setting/General/About) and app deleted.

Primary Staff  
Contact Connected Falkirk – highlighting your iPad Serial Number (Setting/General/About) and app deleted.