Our February task for Voices of the World was to present the numbers 1 – 10 in our own language. We were also introduced to Photostory3 and managed to get it downloaded to one of our networked computers this week.
We had great fun with this task! We worked in small groups to come up with our number representations .. thank you AllStars for the idea 🙂
The groups had to come up with an ‘audio idea’ to accompany the visual representation of the numbers, and then we voted for the best one. Darren’s group had the most popular rap …. what do you think?
Googlevideo is sometimes not available in our schools, so we’ve made an alternative ……luckily our video is very short – so using photobucket was ok this time 🙂
[kml_flashembed movie="http://s130.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=http://vid130.photobucket.com/albums/p258/carronshore/nos.flv" width="430" height="389" wmode="transparent" /]