Here they are – four brand new blog posts from Primary 6V.
These posts are just some of the ones published today and they’re worth reading!
One was published earlier today, and the others were written at home after school.
They’ll be shared in class and we’ll give them each a ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ comment.
Primary 6V would also appreciate any comments from visitors.
Reading and discussing each others’ blog posts is a great way to learn how to improve writing – much better than using textbooks 
Click on the Blog Headers below to read the new posts:
1. Homer The Hamster – a great read!

2. Farewell Mrs Green – wonderful 

3. Comic Relief – tomorrow!

4. Football Training – to be continued

i have forgotten my glow login can you tell me at school tomorrow,if I remember i wil leava a comment back
lots of love,
Jade xxx
Hey mrs V I wrote a blog post and I think it’s quite good and i want to share it on twitter but i cant remember the details can you help?
From Natasha
I read your post, Natasha – it’s great
I’ll let you know the @cpsprimary6v twitter details and password tomorrow. I’ll help with the video problems as well.
Meanwhile, I think you’ve got a few comments waiting