Category Archives: Uncategorized

Photo a Day J

 Hi it’s Cameron L here my photo letter is J, so I took a picture of the Janitor’s office!

I took a picture of his office door because it was something that started with J.I like the janitor because he is the football coach for Carronshore School and he helps us to train.

Photo A Day G

Hi ,mason here!My photo a day picture is going to be a victorian Gentlemen. Notice Gentlemen starts with G.So heres my victorian gentlemen I made at art.                                                                       

It took me time to make but I finished last monday.I used tights and cotton to make the head and done alot of pinching to make the eyes and nose and the hair is red fur or something!I used paper for the shirt,Short fur material for the waist coat,orange leather for buttons,card for gun on his back and brown leather for the gun strap.The frame was made from cardboard.It also had pasta bits on it and also gold paint.It is really smart and other peoples are really cool aswell.Its suposed to be a hunter!Other people done a gentlemen in a suit and a hat.The girls done queen victoria.They used some cool material aswell!

Photo A Day – F

  Today our Fabulous Trophies arrived! We all saved up for them and Natasha phoned up in class and ordered them. This one is for the winning group. They will be able to have it on their table all week. We are going to take it with us to Primary 7.

The other ones were for the prizes in our Inanimate Alice competition. The winning group chose these trophies.





The runners-up chose these trophies. We got to take them home today.

The group who were third all chose a medal and they chose their own colour of ribbon. They say 3rd and clip on to the ribbon.


 Everybody was very excited when they got delivered and it was Jade’s dad who brought them to the school because he works for the delivery company! It was Tommy M who chose F for Fabulous Trophies.

Photo a Day- B

Hi, I’m Jade this is my picture for photo a day. I’ve got the letter B and I’m doing…a bee!

The reason I chose a bee is because I really like bee’s and I find them quite interesting.This bee is not actually a bee, we are doing puppet shows at the minute so I borrowed a puppet, they are from the Primary 1 area, that is where we got them from.

Photo a Day-A

Hi, Andrew F here. We have decided to do a Photo a Day at Carronshore. Everyone gets a letter of the alphabet an has to think of a word for it. Then, when it’s your day you have to find that object in the school and take a picture of it. Today it was Ryan R’s turn. He took a picture of the art room.



Now Ryan will say a little bit about the art room…

Ryan R here we go to art every Monday morning. The art teacher is Mrs Williamson. This is a picture of one of the walls. 

What We’ve Been Up To!

This is a quick post to let everyone know just some of the things we’ve been up to recently. This week the whole school are involved in ‘Money Week’. P 6V are looking at mobile phones and their tariffs and if you click on the image here you’ll be able to read all about day one on our Glow maths blog. Mason wrote about what was happening in class – he did a great job and he’s promised to write up Tuesday’s money Week report tomorrow.

 Primary 6V seem to be enjoying the Money Week activities so far … even Ryan R’s group have promised not to be silly! Click on Ryan’s Glow Blog header icon to read what he said. Hopefully he means it 🙂 

There have been some other great recent blog posts from Primary 6V – some of them have been written at home. This weekend Anna wrote a post to tell us all that she’s finally clear of her egg allergy  and she can now tuck in to all sorts of goodies … including ice-cream! Click on her Glow header to visit her blog.

 All Primary 6V have  a Glow ePortfolio. If you’re not sure what a Glow ePortfolio is, Andrew wrote a bit about his:

“…this is actually a GlowWiki but I am using it as an ePortfolio. Incase you were wondering, an ePortfolio is something online where you record your achievements throughout the years. You can use it to get a job when you grow up as well”

Anna added this explanation to hers:

..And as if all that isn’t enough, check out two of our Inanimate Alice style digital stories. There are more to come, and we’re having a film premiere on Thursday afternoon. The whole school will hopefully help us decide which group has produced the best story.

Watch this space! Meanwhile why don’t you leave us a comment to let us know what you think of the two  stories that have been published so far?

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="382" allowfullscreen="true" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="382" allowfullscreen="true" /]

Burns Poetry Competition Update

Our last Class blog post was about the annual Burns Poetry Competition with a neighbouring school. We had some great primary 6v competitors this year – but we didn’t get the coveted gold medal 🙁

Natasha has written a follow-up post  about her thoughts/experience of taking part in the competition – and she mentions some great advice from Robyn. She said: 

it’s not about winning its about playing the game”

 We’re very proud of our silver ‘runner-up’ medals!

All the finalists from Carronshore received a silver medal  and Robyn brought hers in to school today to show it off.

It looks great, doesn’t it!


Here’s the Primary 6V finalists … well, it’s their voices, anyway 🙂

Robyn’s poem

  Andrew’s poem

Andrew flickr

And, here’s Natasha’s

natasha flickr

P6V Burns Poetry Finalists!

Natasha wrote a ‘nail-biting’ post tonight as she prepared to go to the annual Burns Poetry competition.

Here’s what she said:

“I know burns night was like TWO WHOLE months ago but our school are only having the competition now. Anyway me, Andrew and Robyn are the finalist’s for p6 for carronshore primary school. I’m quite nervous, but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I did a little pretend competition in front of my Teddies and I was fine, so yeah!
Andrew told me he was SO nervous he threw up last night because of it! I’m sure I’m not THAT nervous!! I’m doing ‘My Heart’s in the Highlands’. The competition is in Carron and I’ve never been there before so that’s something! I hope we win…..”

You can read the rest of her post by clicking on her Glow blog header icon.

Good Luck, Natasha – you’ll be GREAT!

And good luck to Robyn and Andrew, too. We’ll be checking out their blogs to see if they write anything about how the competition went for them 🙂


Good luck, Robyn!!!


Best of luck, Andrew 🙂

Hot Off The Press!!


Here they are – four brand new blog posts from Primary 6V.

These posts are just some of the ones published today and they’re worth reading!

 One was published earlier today, and the others were written at home after school.

They’ll be shared in class and we’ll give them each a ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ comment.

Primary 6V would also appreciate any comments from visitors.  

Reading and discussing each others’ blog posts is a great way to learn how to improve writing – much better than using textbooks 🙂

Click on the Blog Headers below to read the new posts:

1. Homer The Hamster – a great read!

2. Farewell Mrs Green – wonderful 🙂

3. Comic Relief – tomorrow!

4. Football Training – to be continued

More Great Things From Primary 6V

 Since the last post, there have been lots of new great updates on Primary 6V individual Glow blogs.

The Blog header icons below link to some great posts.

Charlotte wanted to tell everyone about her fabulous trip to New york with her Mum. She waited until she had some pictures to include before she wrote her blog post. Click on her Header icon to read about her adventures.

 Alyson has written a great account of her weekend. Click on her Header to read the blog post.

 Kian has written a wonderful imaginative story based on some bunnyhero labs characters. Click on his Header image to read about the adventures of ‘Pepe the Spanish Warrior’, ‘Hamish the Highland Pig’ and ‘Finney the Ferret’. Others in class have already begun writing their imaginative stories after creating their own online pets. What a great idea 🙂 

We’ve also been working on writing our autobiographies … visit again to have a look. They’ll be on our Glow ePortfolios soon!

Meanwhile Robyn has added hers to her blog. Click on her Header to have a look.


And if you want to see Jack’s, he’s added it to our One True Media account 

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="408" height="382" allowfullscreen="true" /]


More About Primary 6V’s Great Blogs!

 In the previous post, there are links to some Primary 6V’s individual Glow blogs. Today we read all the posts out in class and gave them ‘two stars and a wish’ comments ….. the hardest bit was keeping the ‘star’ comments to just two 🙂

One of the posts was from Andrew who wrote:

  “Hi everyone! Everybody in my class went on a school trip to Callendar House last Friday. We went there to learn a bit more about the Victorians, which is our topic for this term”.

He also designed this image on ImageChef – it looks great so it’s been included on here!

Some more posts about the visit have recently been written on more of our blogs and there are links to them below. Let us know what you think!

Click on Robyn’s Header to read her report: 

Cameron B also wrote a post about his visit. Check it out HERE

Here’s Hayley’s memories about the  day – click to have a look

Lucy wrote a great report as well. Click on her header icon to read it

Garry enjoyed the trip and learned lots – but he’s glad he lives now and not then! Garry’s Post

Tommy’s post is HERE and Kyle’s is HERE .

It would be great if you left some comments for them.

.. But there’s more!

Matthew is in Primary 4 and has been visiting our class. His blog is already looking great. Click on his blog Header icon to read about his Treasured Possessions. 

  Ryan wrote about how much he’s looking forward to a sleepover this weekend – have a read

Finally … Anna also wrote about her weekend – and she just might keep on doing that. What a great idea! Click on her Glow blog header icon to read her latest post:

Introducing Primary 6V’s Glow Spaces!


Primary 6V have their own individual Glow blogs and they update them regularly. In class, we enjoy reading new blog posts and sometimes we give them ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ (we found this animated picture and really wanted to include it here so we asked the creator and he said we could – thank you!)

If any visitors to this blog want to give some advice as to how we could improve our writing by leaving a ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ comment, we’ll do our best to follow your suggestions 🙂

 One of the recent blog comments was written by Robyn describing her visit to the Youth Club. Click on her blog Header icon to have a read:


Tommy’s been reading a book with a great title – ‘The frog and the Monster’s Toothache’! Check out what he has to say about it … and have a listen to his Voki message on his blog sidebar:


Matthew is in Primary 4 and he joins our class every day for maths. He’s only had his Glow Blog for a very short time, but he’s already learned how to make an animation and show it off on his blog. What do you think?



On Friday we went on a school trip to learn about what life was like in Victorian times. Click on the next three Blog header icons to read what Brooke, Alyson and Andrew learned:




Alice Icon.jpegWe hope you visit again soon to see how our Inanimate Alice tasks are coming along.

Check out the great effort by the Rain Drops and Wellie Boots   group!

We’re also writing our Autobiographies on our Glow Blogs and links will be on here soon, too.

Watch this space 🙂

Welcome To Carronshore Blog’s New Glow Home!

The Carronshore Blog has been on the go since 2006. You can view the journey of the blog so far by viewing a Photopeach Presentation made by Mrs V in 2009. Have a look HERE

 The blog’s new home is now on Glow and this session, Primary 6V are going to use it to tell you about all the wonderful things they’ve been up to inside and outside school.

 For example, they are using Glow Wikis as ePortfolios.

Click on the image to listen to how Anna intends to use hers.


 Their Individual Glow Blogs are definitely worth a visit, too. Click on the image below to view Natasha’s. We’ll showcase lots more soon,








And finally – keep an eye out for our Inanimate Alice style digital stories on our class shared wiki … they’ll be appearing soon!

Alice Icon.jpeg

catch up

Poems and Reports!

Doesn’t it make you feel good when you think you’ve been heard? Thank you Thomas! You explain our poem criteria very well! Link

Marc, thank you for your Report on our school … First to complete it (and I agree that it is a great school to be in!) I’m really looking forward to reading the other finished reports!

Monday, December 04, 2006

A selection of our poems and ‘Reports’ Catch Up!

Most of our poems are now in our Poetry Pages. Why not have a look and leave a comment?

Today we listened to all the podcasts about ‘How our School is Doing’. We made some notes and discussed what should be included in the final Reports. We are going to work with a writing partner in our computer suite to write the reports. We hope to do this tomorrow!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Mrs Williamson Interview

When we asked the adults in the school the ‘How Are We Doing?’ questions, all of them mentioned the fact that the corridors and areas were bright and welcoming. We decided to interview Mrs Williamson, our art teacher, to find out more about how she manages the art lessons with the whole school.


Thursday, November 30, 2006

Writing Reports

Today, P.C. Ward visited our school to tell us what is involved when writing a police report. He read us some notebook entries. A community policeman always carries a spare notebook because they write down lots of details.

The notebook entries are very important because they are used to write up the formal reports that are presented in court. We had lots of questions to ask P.C. Ward and we made a video. We’ll put in on our blog soon. He gave us lots of advice about report writing.


‘How is Our School Doing?’ Questionnaires

We are going to be writing Reports during this block. To help us write a report on how our school is doing, we interviewed some adults around the school today to hear their views. You can listen to our podcasts to hear the ‘live’ interviews which will help us write our final reports.

Mrs Nathaniel is a Parent and also a school employee. Thomas and Jamie interviewed her. You can hear the podcast by clicking this link.

Mrs Nairn, our school secretary, was interviewed by James and Jamie L. Click here to hear her views.

Mrs Sheerin, a primary 7 teacher, spoke to Lisa and Danni. The podcast can be found here.

Miss Buick is a student who is working with the primary 7’s this term. Here are her thoughts on the school so far. She spoke to Chloe C and Kaylegh. Please click here.

Mrs Webster, one of our school helpers, and Mrs Duff, our Support for Learning teacher gave their views as well. You can click on their podcast by following this link

We are going to gather together all the different views and write a class report on how our school is doing. The report will be available in our new Functional Writing spaces soon!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Very Exciting Comments!

Thank you for all the comments recently! Our visitor from the Sunday Times left this super comment on our old wikispace writing area – we’ve just found it. Thank you … we’ll keep in touch! link

There have also been comments from our friends in Dingwall Primary – they make great videos and we hope to learn from them!!

Thank you also to all at 5/6P AllStars in Australia – maybe we’ll start debating too. They’ve given us plenty of advice to start us off!!

Kirklandneuk Primary have given us ideas for French lessons … we gave the web address to our French teachers in school

……………. to mention just a few!!!

Friendship Poems – And Other News!

We all wrote Friendship Cinquains in class this week. We took photos of our own poems and we are going to import them into our new ‘Poem Pages’

We also have new Imaginative Writing Pages and we’ve copied and pasted our ‘Magic Box’ stories to there.
We are going to do the same with our Autobiographies by placing them in our new Personal Writing Pages
Soon we’re going to be doing some Report Writing, based on our new ‘Disasters’ Environmental Studies Topic. You’ll be able to read these in our new Functional Writing Pages !
Meanwhile, over in our Math Class Blog we’ve been experimenting again with our new digital video camera …… Mrs V accidentally deleted our Poem videos from Google Video so they can no longer be viewed on this Blog – but they’re still in the camera, so they’ll be uploaded again soon!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

New Comment from Africa – update

How exciting!!

Gregory posted this comment on our Blog all the way from Namibia (we saw the town on our ‘geovisitors’ link earlier today ….. welcome, Gregory!!)!

At 23 November, 2006, Anonymous said…
My name is Gregory, I live in Namibia in the south west of Africa.The town is Khorixas.Around here we live in very hot temperatures ranging from 32 up 40 degrees.I saw your blog on the internet and I loved the project, as this is an excellent method in helping the younger ones to start reading and using computers.Through writing and the internet I have also recently made a contact with a top I.T professional in England called Neil.If you read more and more you get more and more brains P.S: keep this in mind,…….GREGORY

I’ve been talking to Neil in Manchester. He lives with Steph and her mum has recently gone out to work in Namibia. She put Gregory in touch with Neil (my eldest son ….. the top I.T. professional!? 🙂 ) and we think that she gave Gregory our Blog address ….. what a small world.

Friday, November 17, 2006


Discussing Poetry! Video Attempt!