Primary 6V have their own individual Glow blogs and they update them regularly. In class, we enjoy reading new blog posts and sometimes we give them ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ (we found this animated picture and really wanted to include it here so we asked the creator and he said we could – thank you!)
If any visitors to this blog want to give some advice as to how we could improve our writing by leaving a ‘Two Stars and a Wish’ comment, we’ll do our best to follow your suggestions
One of the recent blog comments was written by Robyn describing her visit to the Youth Club. Click on her blog Header icon to have a read:
Tommy’s been reading a book with a great title – ‘The frog and the Monster’s Toothache’! Check out what he has to say about it … and have a listen to his Voki message on his blog sidebar:
Matthew is in Primary 4 and he joins our class every day for maths. He’s only had his Glow Blog for a very short time, but he’s already learned how to make an animation and show it off on his blog. What do you think?
On Friday we went on a school trip to learn about what life was like in Victorian times. Click on the next three Blog header icons to read what Brooke, Alyson and Andrew learned:
We hope you visit again soon to see how our Inanimate Alice tasks are coming along.