Good Grief!! What a fright Primary 6V got this afternoon (Mrs V and Miss M were pretty taken aback as well!) when we decided to have some outdoor fun after being couped up for weeks with no playtimes because of the very cold weather.
We went outside to have a competition – we wanted to know how far we could throw some foam arrows.
We divided ourselves into teams and began our activities -and then The Scary Moment happened!!!
The picture here contains a clue as to what happened.
It was taken after the school bell rang for hometime. Mr Aitchison knew that the noisy playground would be upsetting for our unexpected visitors so he lured them down to the football pitch with some bread and water.
You can read more about our Scary Moment on our Glow Blogs’ descriptions. Just click on the ‘Header’ images below – it will be worth the read 
Robyn’s Scary Moment Post!
Natasha’s Scary Moment Post!
Charlotte’s Scary Moment Post!
Andrew’s Scary Moment Post!
Jade’s Scary Moment Post!
Hi Mrs V u still Have 2 link myn and i hardly ever get comments on my blog
I’ve linked it now – and I’ve left a comment for you as well