On Thursday we all came back to school after being snow bound for over one and a half weeks. The playground was still covered in snow, though, – as you can see from our picture!
Now that we’re back at school others have also been writing about how they spent their time off and have been busy updating their Glow Blogs.
Have a look at what they’ve written by clicking on the links via our Glow Blog header images.
Poor Andrew’s family had arranged for windows in their house to be replaced … then along came all that snow! Luckily Andrew was able to spend some time with his Gran and Grandad while all the work was being done. He built a snowman as well – I have no idea how his snowman managed to survive – but he did
Andrew’s football had to be cancelled because of the snow, but he found lots more to occupy him instead. Read the rest of his post by clicking on his Glow Blog header image.
Hayley had a few attempts at building a snowman, too. She learned that it’s best not to rush it, though, because it could mean that all the work wasn’t worth it.
She had a lot of fun with her friends, but also found the time to help clear the path, put up the Christmas tree and tidy her room!
Click on her Glow Blog header and have a read … and leave a comment if you have the time
Natasha’s Glow Blog post title is “Winter Wonderland” and she starts of by saying:
“I thought i could do my writing in white since its about my snow days but that wouldn’t work”
I’m so glad that she decided not to write in in white because we might have missed out on her entertaining – and informative! – post. There’s Christmas
‘hints and tips’
short stories
… and lots more. Don’t miss out by not having a read
Kyle was ‘over the moon’ when he heard his mum saying that school was off because of the snow but he soon realised that going out to play in it was risky – on day one he fell and hurt himself!
Kyle’s dad learned just how dangerous the snow was as well when he got stuck in traffic coming back from Glasgow where he works, but he was luckier than one of his workmates who was stuck in his car for 21 hours … scary!!
Lucy learned that winter was here when her mum got a text from the school to say that it was having to close because of the weather. Her mum had been planning to go Christmas shopping, but she soon realised that it would be much safer if everyone stayed at home instead.
A week later, everyone thought that it would finally be safe to travel to school again … and then the text came. The weather was now worse than ever
Robyn was not impressed by her mum’s efforts to build a snowman and decided to lend a hand … and so did some of the neighbours. Robyn describes the events really well and in te end their snowman was superb – I would love to see some pictures!
Robyn’s description of her little brother Lucas crying at the ‘Lion King’ DVD makes me want to hug him, too! Have a read by clicking on her header link
Don’t forget to check back for more of our Snow Day reports and activities updates … apparently it’s to snow again at the end of this week!!!
remember the christmas tree
I will – now! Thanks for the reminders