A Wonderful Writing Opportunity!

book letter small 

A few weeks ago, we all wrote letters to a local Bookbinding company http://www.carronvalebindery.co.uk/ .

We’re so excited that they’ve written a letter back to us saying that they would like to come to our school and show us how to bind books so that they can be published.

They didn’t just reply to our letters, though – they took the time to display them in a beautiful leather-bound book with gold lettering 🙂

book small 1

When they come to visit us, we’ll want to show them that we have great story ideas and we’ve all been very busy writing books. Some of us have been writing them on paper, and others have been writing them on our new wikispaces.

Andrew loves his new wikispace and he wrote about it on his Glow Blog.

You can read his Glow Blog post by clicking HERE .

 You can also read the start of his story on his ‘my stories’ page on his wiki:


Here are links to two more of our story pages on our new wikis:



Check back soon and read about how our stories are being updated.

Our next post will be about some of the things we do outside of school … some of it might impress you 🙂

23 thoughts on “A Wonderful Writing Opportunity!”

  1. Dear Mrs V,

    I Have Forgot My Password For Wikispaces,Could You Please Send Me It On My Blog,I Will Ceep It So If I Forget It Again I Can Just Look At It

    Jade xxx

  2. hiya,thanks for the password for my wikispaces! 🙂 ,Guess what,imet someone from Australlia on the train to back from Glasgow, i told her that i was doing a project on australlia and she told me,that they have to wear hats at school,it is the law and it can go upto 42 dg’s an plus it is part of their uniform,freakey,eh?

    from jade(cany wait till school!,dont know why,lol :D)

    1. What a great comment. Imagine learning all that on the train back from Glasgow 🙂

      I hope you add it to your learning log, too!

  3. hi mrs v my password does not i have tried and tried but it doesn`t work.


    bye remember look at my blog.

  4. hi mrs v my wiki space does not word eather what is wrong with me and stuff this has never happend to me before.
    oh and i realy want on my blog because i want to do the rest of my blog and i want to write about my granddad.
    bye xxx

  5. mrs v can you leave some comments on my blog because no one does i have two new things one on my granddad and one on my dog with a pic ;D

    oh and i need to tell you something in class mrs v

  6. Thanks for the tip!,i guess that he found the hamster, my hamster is really cute it is only 8 weeks old and his name is sock’s!,how cute! Awwwww! 🙂

  7. hey Mrs V,
    You know how u done the p6 page on my wikispace could you please do that with my art, achievements and friends page?
    Please and thank-you!

    x 😛 x

    1. Great idea – maybe I could show you how to do it, then you could help the primary 6’s?

      Our assembly is this Friday, but I might be able to show you at Golden Time.

      If not, then I’ll show you next week.

    1. I sat outside the Bookbinders for ages on Friday, but I couldn’t work out the page order. I had to come home to look at your wikispace to work it out.

      I’m going to drop it off today as soon as I can get out the driveway. I’m positive he’ll bind it. It looks fantastic 🙂

    1. Aw – thank you, Elisha! Your comment really cheered me up.

      I like my new dress, too.

      It’s really nice to get a compliment 🙂

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