Darcie left a comment on the class blog to say how excited she is about our win! You can read it here, too. She wrote:
Hey i can’t beleive WE won!!!!I have wrote a post about him because it’s just so exciting!Keith Jack is a really good singer i didn’t know how good he was untill we went to choices for life!
Here’s her post:
On the 22nd of May the primary sevens from lots of schools went to a thing called choices for life.When we were there they did a raffle to see which school a man called Keith Jack would come to, we won!He is coming in June!!!!!If you are a bit clueless to who Keith is there is pictures down bellow.I still can’t believe we won out of hundreds of schools.
Here is KeithHe is the one with a yellow coat on!:)
Meanwhile, there’s lots going on on our wikis. We’ve been studying thecraft of writing. We read the start of a story and tried to continue it in the style of the writer. Click on the weemees below to take you to some of the stories!
2 thoughts on “Lots of Activity!”
Hey Mrs Vass
Do You Know When Keith Jack Is Coming In To Carronshore Primary School!!!!!!
Hey Mrs Vass
Do You Know When Keith Jack Is Coming In To Carronshore Primary School!!!!!!
Love Marc!!!!1
Hi Marc,
He’s coming to Carronshore one afternoon next week!
We’ll write a post about what’s happening during his visit tomorrow