Alice In Wonderland by Carronshore

Miss Keane is a teacher in our school. She has worked really hard to produce a fabulous ‘Alice in Wonderland’ mini production ……… and the children have worked really hard, too:)

Press ‘play’ below to have a sneak preview of some of the scenes – let us know what you think!

8 thoughts on “Alice In Wonderland by Carronshore”

  1. They HAVE worked hard …… I can’t take the credit, though (but a great number of the ‘stars’ are in my class – does that count?)

    It was Miss Keane who did all the work – you and her should meet up. She would appreciate your acting talent 🙂

  2. I was so moved and very proud of my Grandaughter when I saw the show. All the young people involved had obviously worked really hard to give such a wonderful performance. Vicky. (Chloe’s Gran)

  3. Thanks for the comments everyone!

    Miss Law – I’m absolutely positive that you’ll enjoy the performance!!

    Chloe’s mum – Everyone performed superbly. I had no idea that Chloe had such a beautiful voice 🙂 I could watch the video on the blog over and over again!

    Chloe’s Gran – as her teacher, I was very moved and proud, too ….. and I had nothing to do with anything 🙂 It was a joy to watch. Every one of them deserves a great big thank you for giving us all so much pleasure!

  4. To Mrs Vass and all P7V

    I have have just spent an evening reading all your blogs and watching the preview of Alice and in wonderland.
    Must let you know how impressed I was. I think you have been a credit to Carronshore Primary and you certainly deserve to have won a visit from Keith Jack in June. I hope you all enjoy it and wish you all the best at Larbert High .

    Mrs Fletcher

  5. Thank you Mrs Fletcher!

    I know that p7V will be thrilled that you’ve taken the time to comment (you were one were one of their ‘top teachers’ in Carronshore!)

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