5 thoughts on “Primary 7V Help Teachers Blog!!”

  1. Hi Mrs Vass,
    That video is great!We had lots of fun that night :D!I think the teachers learnt alot.I really enjoyed it thanks for letting us go!:)I can’t wait till next week.:D:D:D

  2. Darcie,

    Thank you for all your help ……. we’ll get ready for Wednesday’s preparation on Tuesday when you return from the class trip 🙂


    Of course you can … some of the teachers want to know about wikis. This year we only really used pb wiki and wetpaint. Can it be your job to tell them about wikispaces (remember we shared a space for the Australia topic – and I think we had writing wikispaces, too?)

    let me know if that’s ok 🙂

    I really appreciate all the help!!

  3. Were the teachers good pupils? Sometimes I think teachers can be harder to teach than pupil! But perhaps they behave better when pupils are teaching them!

  4. I know what you mean!

    But I have to say that they were a really good bunch – having the pupils there was a very definate ‘plus’ though 🙂

    I honestly couldn’t have managed without them 🙂

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