It is Ms Burton here from Westquarter Primary School, I love your blog!
I am having trouble putting my vocki onto my site – do you have any helpful tips for me?? Perhaps someone in your class knows!
Thanks you for any help that you can give – our blog can be found at
If you have any tips for brightening it up – please let me know.
Sorry but we can’t get onto your blog but i’ll tell you how to get your voki onto your blog.
Once you’ve got your voki click get code and copy the code.
Go onto your blog and click write a post, write what you want to say then above the post it says code beside visual click code then underneath your writing click paste then your code will come up.
Did you get a voice on it?
Then click publish on your blog your voki will be there.Mrs vass is showing vokis to her CPD team tomorrow night so she said you’re welcome to come.
Hi Mrs Vass
I Would Love To Come Along Is It After School Or During School!
Hi Marc,
It’s after school – from 4 – 6pm. I’m glad you are interested.
I’ll be in touch 🙂
Hi Mrs Vass
Will I Have To Come To Carronshore Primary School After School
I’ll get your mum’s phone number from Mrs Nairn tomorrow 🙂
Hey mrs vass i wrote a small bit on my story.
Hi Mrs Vass,
It is Ms Burton here from Westquarter Primary School, I love your blog!
I am having trouble putting my vocki onto my site – do you have any helpful tips for me?? Perhaps someone in your class knows!
Thanks you for any help that you can give – our blog can be found at
If you have any tips for brightening it up – please let me know.
Ms Burton
Hi Miss Burton it’s Nina.
Sorry but we can’t get onto your blog but i’ll tell you how to get your voki onto your blog.
Once you’ve got your voki click get code and copy the code.
Go onto your blog and click write a post, write what you want to say then above the post it says code beside visual click code then underneath your writing click paste then your code will come up.
Did you get a voice on it?
Then click publish on your blog your voki will be there.Mrs vass is showing vokis to her CPD team tomorrow night so she said you’re welcome to come.