Primary 7V are involved in an exciting new project called ‘Voices of the World’! Every month we have to complete a task. For September we all made a Voki to advertise the project. Our one is below.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="200" height="267"
wmode="transparent" /]
It’s run by Mrs Tonner from the High School of Dundee. This is what Mrs Tonner says about the project:
‘Voices Of The World is an exciting project that will use the voice and sound rather than the written or typed word. All too often we ask children to communicate at a distance using text rather than voice. VOTW will hopefully prove that we can unite and learn from one another using our voices in the simplest way possible. I am looking forward to this challenge ahead of us which will surely motivate our children to learn about other cultures through the use of the voice.’
You can visit the wiki to see all the countries involved so far, and listen to everyone’s message. Just click HERE!
Hi Mrs Vass and P7 your blog looks great keep it up.
I’m in the Library with my English Class.
I’m Missing P7V so badly i’ll maybe pop in and see you again.
Bye Marc
Hello Marc,
Great to hear from you. You are welcome to pop in any time! Are you allowed on the computer in the Library at High School
Very cool voices.It was interesting listening to other schools from other countries
I loved it too! Can’t wait for next month’s challenge!
hi my name is nero and im from year 6 in bisbane australia. My class is also doing voices of the world but we missed out on the first bit but we’re in for next months challenge. My site is and my class site is so take a look and try to leave a comment thanks.