Wiki Reports ….. and Blog Reviews!!

Primary 7V now have their own wikis. Wikis are different from Blogs, because they’re designed to be shared with others. P7V have invited a few people that they trust to share their wiki. They’re all very pleased with them so far!

Nina sums up the feeling of her classmates when she wrote this on her Wiki ‘Front Page’

‘Hello,my name is Nina and this is my pb wiki.I am very excited to have a pb wiki. This is a chance for me to show my work.’

Most have created at least one new page because they were asked to write a report on the events leading up to the interview with Master Bailey. … and what a SUPER job they’ve made of these!! Nina’s can be seen by clicking here

Click the ‘Badges’ below to go straight to Ainsley, Maryam, or Fraser’s Wiki (to open in a new window, ‘right click’ on the mouse)



   Or why not go to our ‘Wonderful Wikis’ page to read even more!

Meanwhile ……

 we’ve been contacted by Webbliworld who asked us to review their website. We’ve only had a quick look, but it certainly has the ‘thumbs up’ so far! Check out the reviews on Rhianne, Ben C and Anna’s Blogs …. or visit our ‘P7 Blogs’ page to read all the reviews 🙂

7 thoughts on “Wiki Reports ….. and Blog Reviews!!”

  1. Hey mrs Vass 🙂 today my mum was cleaning and she found some pictures of when we went to Australia!…and i was wondering because were doing Australia for a topic if you wanted me to bring them in?

    please comment me back to let me know 😉

    bye anna xx :mr green:

  2. Hi Mrs Vass

    I heard your exciting news good luck on it
    I’m doing fine at high school i’ve got an important test on friday
    really missing carronshore primary i enjoyed my visit it was good to see carronshore priamry school again. Tell the class that I said hi.

    Speak To You Soon


  3. Hello Marc!

    Great to hear from you … your comments are still ending up in the ‘spam’ thingy – not sure why – sorry for the delay in seeing it.

    Good luck with your test 🙂 Maybe you could keep us posted on your blog – I check them all regularly and it’s great to read new posts on the ‘High School’ blogs.

    If you’re free on the 2nd October at 6.45 – 8pm maybe you’d like to come along and say something at our blog / wiki workshop evening?

  4. Hi Carronshore!
    Congratulations! I hope you like your wikis and hopefully i will read some and comment.
    It sounds so interesting and take good care of them!

    I can’t wait to hear more from you!
    Stay in touch!
    Bye! 😉

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