5 thoughts on “For Loirston :)”

  1. That’s so nice of you. You are very clever? Where did you get the different code from as I was only offered one option? I think! Thank you for going to so much trouble for us!

  2. I think I just ‘played around’ until I got something to work – not very technical, I’m afraid!

    I don’t know why the little voice comes on automatically on your voki. It doesn’t happen with ours (we need to press the ‘play’ button first …. maybe it’s how it was set up).

    If I delete it, it may be that the ‘Hi, how are you?’ welcome message starts to irritate. Sorry I can’t help with that bit – maybe try again making a new one?

    P.S. Maybe see you at ‘Teachmeet’?? 🙂

  3. Yes I think that voice definitely will irritate you. That voki was only for a practice so feel free to bin it! I don’t think I’m clever enough to play around like that so I’ve posted another message on the forum to see if I can get a formula for putting future vokis on the blog. Or do you know what yours is?
    Anyway thank you for helping and I look forward to meeting you at teachmeet.

  4. I’ve posted a reply on the forums – I WISH I was clever enough to know what I was doing …. a formula would be good!

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