Computer Use

Yesterday was our first day in Primary 7 and we brainstormed on paper how we use computers at home and at school. We rated the programmes on a scale from 1 to 5. 1 meant we didn’t rate it very much, 5 meant it was great. Adam’s is shown below.


We all agreed that, in general, we enjoyed using our computers at home more than at school. We wrote statements to add more information.

Adam wrote, “The reason the computer at home is better than the computer at school is because nothing is blocked.”

Rhiann wrote, “The stuff we have to do at school on the computers is a bit boring so I think home is better.”

Nobody enjoyed using computers at school as much as they did at home ……… oh dear! I wonder how we can change that!

3 thoughts on “Computer Use”

  1. A very interesting survey primary 7, I think I’ll try it with my class later this week.
    I am a teacher I enjoy using my computer at home more than school too, but I do enjoy using computers in school. I wonder why Adam gives powerpoint a 3 in school and a 4 at home?

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