A Very Busy Thursday! Some Australian Visitors and a Conference Presentation!!

 Yesterday we had a visit from some Australian educators. They spent a lot of time chatting to the children. They were all very nice. You can watch our interview below.


 In the afternoon, some of us went along to the Learning to Achieve Conference and told people how we use our Blogs. It went very well – we think they were really impressed )

Here’s what Jeanan wrote about our presentation on her individual blog.

“Today some pupils from my class went to Airth Castle, the pupils that went were Lisa, Marc, Myself & Danni. It went really well and I am sure that everyone that listened to us should now know what a blog is, what a blogs for and how a blog can be used in an educational way. The day went really well and we all enjoyed it, we made a power point all about our blog and Mrs vass made a powr point too. So the whole day went very well, at the end of the day we all got a certificate for helping Mrs Vass.”

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