A Fantastic Welcome Back!


We returned to school today after our Easter break to find the most wonderful surprise! Our friends Mrs P and the AllStars have sent us a beautiful book all about Australia …. and the card is fantastic, too!

We contacted them a few weeks ago and asked for some advice about our new topic, ‘Australia’. They gave us some great ideas and now we’ve set up a wiki and we’re going to write our own ‘Online Book’ based on the tips they gave us about what aspects to study. You can keep tabs on our progress by visiting our wiki Here. Thank you, too, to Mr Upton and the miniLegends for the links they sent us. They are going to be very useful.

We’re really looking forward to getting started on this, and we’d love to hear what you think. We’ll post regular updates on our individual blogs as well! We’d especially like to hear comments from anyone in Australia – what a great opportunity we have here to link our two cultures.

Many, many thanks again to Mrs P and the AllStars 🙂

6 thoughts on “A Fantastic Welcome Back!”

  1. Greetings from Harding University in Searcy, Arkansas. I have enjoyed reading much of your “Blog.” There are some good writers in P7.

    My name is Michael Wood and I’m an Assistant Professor of Education. I look forward to meeting you sometime before your school dismisses. I am bringing a group of Student Teachers to Falkirk and I believe one of our students has been assigned to Mrs. Vass’ class. We are very excited to come to Scotland and especially having the opportunity to meet you.

  2. Hi! I am from the 07 Allstars! I hope you like the book! Mrs P had a spare copy, and even though we live in Australia, we still need to know alot more about our country! We are going to read the book too! What do you know about Australia? Can you tell me about your country? Please reply! Keep up the good work!

  3. Australia is a very big country compared to ours. The book tells us a lot about it – in a really great way.

    We followed Mrs P’s visit to the UK on the blog. She really enjoyed the castles and we read about her visit to Sandaig Primary in Glasgow and saw pictures of her on their blog. Is that where ‘Sandy’ came from?

    We’re really looking forward to getting to know you all this term … and getting to know all about Australia, too!

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