Stars and Wishes

Today in class, we began to self assess our recent pieces of writing. We gave ourselves 2 stars………….2 good things about our writing

…… and 1 wish ………. something we thought we could improve.

Unfortunately, the computers began to ‘freeze’ and we had to give up! We’ll try again tomorrow ……… meanwhile, why don’t you visit Marc and Nicola’s blogs because they were lucky and managed to put on their posts before this began to happen.

Thank you to Lisa for suggesting we read our writing ‘through the eyes of a geovisitor’ ….. great idea! 🙂

3 thoughts on “Stars and Wishes”

  1. Hi Primary Seven, thought I’d take a little break from writing my essay, I’m maybe needing to try and use two stars and a wish on my own writing. Hope you are all doing well, I’ll keep reading the blog to see how you are getting on. Miss G

  2. Hello Miss G! We’re all missing you here! Don’t work too hard:))

    Did you know that we have won a prize for the ICT competition? We don’t know what it is yet – we’ll find out in a few weeks!!

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