We’ve had a VERY exciting, ‘action – packed’ week at school!
On Tuesday, we interviewed Councillor Martin and found out all about how he helps Carronshore. We recorded the interview on our mp3 player and will put it on here soon.
On Friday, we interviewed Mary Devine, Falkirk Council’s Curriculum Support Manager. She is very nice and we made this video.
On Friday, we also went out on our weekly walk. We took some pictures for our ‘Photo A Day For Schools’ project. It’s a very exciting project where lots of schools from all over the world take pictures each day of a certain aspect of school life. This was the first week of the project and the theme was ‘in between lessons’. We took pictures each day and uploaded them on to our new flickr page. (click on the red words to take you there)
This is is on our weekly walk. We chose this picture for the project. you can read all about it on the Photo A Day Blog which has taken the place of our School News Blog …… there was not enough time to do both! The Primary 7 pupils are running the photo a day blog themselves. Please pay them a visit and leave some comments on their photos. You can get there by clicking on the Photo A Day page above.
I enjoyed reading your blog – well done to all involved