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- Pandas have a life span of about 20 year
- The typical panda grows from 1.2m to 1.9m.
- Pandas are native to south-central China.
- Tomato Frogs eat worms, insects and small parasites.
- They live in marshy or swampy areas near rivers.
- The Tomato Frog is more active at night.
- Most boas have life spans rang
- ng from 20 to 30 years in the and 25 to 40 in captivity.
- A boas skin color cab be brown, gray, or a cream base color with brown or reddish brown saddles.
- They sleep for 15-18 hours that’s a lot more then us!
- Sloths scientific name is Folivora.
- A sloths speed is 0.27km/h (maximum when threatened).
- Sloths are related to Anteaters! WOW!
- Baby sloths cling on to their mothers fur.
- Hyenas can run up to the speed of 64km/h
- There scientific name is Hyaenidae.
- Hyenas can live up to 12 years.
- Their heights are 70-92cm