Outdoor Learning at Grangemouth High

Annual Activity Day – Canoe Camping Loch Ard


After packing and collecting all the canoes and arranging all the safety and camping kit, we launched in 25+ degs heat at 6.30pm. Perfect conditions  for the 7 puipls who had never canoed before. Some were a little nervous but by the journey homen the next day, they were convinced of the canoeing experience, some commenting they felt ‘relaxed’ when paddling. So evidence of good progression.

Did we fit all that kit on the canoes ??

A short 20min paddle, with some coaching on the way,  had us landing on the Eiliean Gorm Island of Loch Ard. A perfect small island, 50m/100m. It has a dinky wee bothy. Working together well, we had the tents up in half an hour, although the teachers got a bit confused using the School’s  D of E groups tents, we thought they were all the same until we read the bags, names were different…..

We then had some water boiled up for pastas and noodles and lots of swimming. Warm enough for no wetsuits. This was the best way to cool down. The group were paddling and wading using frisbees till 10pm. For sfaety we had PFDs on and throwbags at the ready.

The boats were still warm to dry clothes out.


Where’s the pupil ??

Sunset from the campsite beach

Miss L watching over the water boiling, how much kit did we have !!

Calm and balmy conditions for the morning paddle back. We rafted up for some variety.

Laura having fun messing about in the canoes – swimming, capsizing, filling the boat with water and having a bath, ducking under doing a ‘pirates of the carribean’ walking along on the loch bed. Temp 23degs !

Canoes tucked up for the night…….

Two canoe -Push tows – were setup to give some variety on the way back, allows for a more ‘social paddle’. It means the wind has less effect and as long as the back paddler can stern rudder (steer), the group can travel further.

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