A free information book was released this week to help explain the coronavirus to children, illustrated by the Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler.
You can access it here.
A free information book was released this week to help explain the coronavirus to children, illustrated by the Gruffalo illustrator Axel Scheffler.
You can access it here.
The RED Book Award is Falkirk Council’s Book Award in which each secondary school in the authority participate. RED stands for Read, Enjoy, Debate and is all about reading for enjoyment and stimulating lively debate about books. https://twitter.com/readenjoydebate?lang=en
At the time of writing this post, the award is now in its 12th year and the shortlist is:
Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton
Welcome to Nowhere by Elizabeth Laird
Boy X by Dan Smith
Hell and High Water by Tanya Landman
13 and 14-year-olds from English classes in Bo’ness Academy, Braes High, Denny High, Falkirk High, Graeme High, Grangemouth High, Larbert High and St. Mungo’s High as well as reading groups in Polmont Young Offenders Institute and from a variety of countries take part. This year schools in Kenya, South Africa and The Netherlands are participating.
The young people read the 4 shortlisted titles, vote for their favourite book and produce a creative interpretation of one of the books for the award ceremony. English teachers and school librarians work together to make sure each student gets the most out of being part of the RED Book award.
There is also an art competition, where young people in each school are invited to redesign the front covers of each of the shortlisted books . The schools bring 4 designs to the award ceremony and the authors choose the overall winners.
The Books
The shortlist of books is decided after lengthy debate by school and public librarians, young people feed in their opinions to the debate too. The criteria include books must be available in paperback, the author is available to attend the award ceremony and the books must have the wow factor.
The young people decide the winning book through a secret vote a few weeks before the award ceremony. The winner is revealed by opening the red envelope at the close of the big day!
Key Dates
April – August: A longlist of books is read from which the shortlist is agreed.
September – April: Young people read, enjoy and debate the books.
April: Pupils vote for their favourite book.
May: the 4 shortlisted authors visit the secondary schools and the RED Book Award ceremony is held at the Falkirk Town Hall FTH
The RED Book Award Ceremony
Around 250 young people and invited guests pack into the Falkirk Town Hall to participate in the RED Book Award ceremony. Participants are encouraged to wear a red accessory and there are prizes (sponsored by Bright Red Books, www.brightredpublishing.co.uk) throughout the event for winners of the book review competition (sponsored by Palimpsest, www.palimpsest-bp.co.uk), a book cover design competition and best red accessory. The day is full of energy and fun and packed with a host of activities – from book signings and chatting with the authors to creative interpretations of the books and live entertainment by the young people.
The ceremony culminates in the opening of the red envelope to reveal the winning book.
Follow the RED on twitter.
Previous winners and shortlists:
RED 14 (2019-2020 award): Lauren James The Quiet at the End of the World
RED 13 (2018-2019 award): Phyllida Shrimpton Sunflowers in February
RED 12 (2017-2018 award): Elizabeth Laird Welcome to Nowhere
RED 12 (2017-2018 award): Elizabeth Laird Welcome to Nowhere
RED 11 (2016-2017 award): 13 Hours by Narinder Dhami
RED 10 (2015-2016 award): Mind Blind by Lari Don
RED 9 (2014-2015 award): Raining Fire by Alan Gibbons
RED 8 (2013-2014 award): Slated byTeri Terry
RED 7 (2012-2013 award): An Act of Love by Alan Gibbons
RED 6 (2011-12 award): Wasted by Nicola Morgan
RED 5 (2010-11 award): Grass by Cathy MacPhail
RED 4 (2009-10 award): Divided City by Theresa Breslin
RED 3 (2008-09 award): Worse Than Boys by Cathy MacPhail
RED 2 (2007-08 award): Blood Ties by Sophie McKenzie
RED 1 (2006-07 award): Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy