Day 6 – Second day of trek

We started our day off with flavourless porridge and a ‘brew’ as John would say, to fuel us for the day. We trekked through more absolutely stunning forests along the msosa river until we reached the waterfall where we spent an hour to cool off by having a dip. Cameron, Cailean and Robert were brave enough to stand right underneath the powerful waterfall. Afterwards we carried on trekking for half and hour and reached another small waterfall where we saw a huge python just relaxing on the rock, we were all stunned. On todays lunch menu was two stail rolls and our water which was nearly boiling from the sun, yum. We then walked all the way back to msosa camp site where we set off today, we all enojoyed a lovely warm shower, kidding it was liteally a bucket full of cold water tied up with a bit of rope.

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