Leirsinn, Luachan, Amasan/Vision, Values, Aims

Facal- Suaicheantais/ Motto:

An tòir air Sàr- Mhaitheis/  In pursuit of Excellence

Luachan/ Our Values

Tha a h-uile duine cudromach agus tha sinn a’ toirt urram dha chèile./ Everyone is somebody and we fit right together.

Bidh sinn a’ brosnachadh:/  We encourage:

Àrd Amas/Ambition






Ar Leirsinn is ar n-amasan / Our Vision and Aims

  • A bhith a’ cruthachadh agus a’ leasachadh àrainneachd a leigeas le gach duine a bhith dòchasach, misneachdail agus a’ toirt urram dha chèile. 
  • To maintain and continually improve an inclusive ethos where a positive attitude, confidence and mutual respect are developed and celebrated in everyone.


A bhith a’ leasachadh seasmhachd tro chothroman cheanais; gus sgilean airson beatha agus obair a leasachadh agus a bhith a’ meas an àrainneachd luachmhor ann an dà chuid air taobh a-staigh agus taobh a-muigh an sgìre fhèin. 

  • To develop an ethos of sustainability in all through opportunities for leadership; to develop skills for life and work and to consider all areas of their immediate and wider environment.


  • Airson dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil cothroman agus taic aig gach duine a leigeas dhaibh strì a dhèanamh gus an uile chomasan a leasachdadh agus a’ toirt gu buil. 
  • To ensure that all have opportunities to develop ambition and achievement in and out of school supported and challenged so all can reach their potential.


  • A bhith a’ co-obrachadh còmhla ri pàrantan agus an coimhearsneachd gu lèir airson piseach a thoirt air ionnsachadh is eòlas gach duine.
  • To maintain and continually improve partnerships with parents and the wider community to enhance learning and the experiences of all.


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